One thing I am NOT going to miss about living in Texas is not having trash pickup. Vince is pretty good about taking it to the landfill but in the summer, it needs to go so much more often than in the winter because of gross bugs and smells.
It hasn’t even been a week since he went to the landfill but I’ve been cleaning as I was packing up the sewing room and I must have come up with 30 bags of trash. Since none of it was food/stinky stuff, he was just tossing the bags in the bag of the pickup or RTV, whichever was closer.
Every day, I’d say “You ought to go to the landfill” and he’d say “I just went last week”.
Yesterday he decided he’d better go. He picked up a few heavy things in the yard that needed to go, tossed them in the back of the pickup, added the rest of the trash and he had one little truck loaded!

It will be so nice to put stinky type trash in the freezer in the garage, then load it all up in the can on trash pickup day and never have to ask Vince to take the trash to the landfill again.
Everywhere we’ve lived before, the trash man came at about 6:30 a.m. so we had to put it out the night before. At the house in MO, we live on a dead end street with just us and one other house. The trash man comes down our little street about noon so I don’t have to get it out the night before or at the crack of dawn.
I won’t miss Vince having to load up all that stinky trash and I know he won’t either.
Susan Nixon says
I’ve never thought to put stinky trash in the freezer! I just take it out to the trash can. We have weekly pick up, too, but the can stays outside the garage, and it’s closed, so I’ve never noticed an odor around it at all, even on very hot days – if I open it, yeah, but that’s only when I’m putting in another bag of trash!
Judy Laquidara says
It seems that the day after the trash is picked up, I have chicken to cut up and there’s extra fat pieces I have to toss. Even the packaging if it has that thing in the bottom that absorbs the “juices” will smell horrible after a few days in our heat. I keep a small basket from the dollar stores in the freezer, put all the stinky stuff in grocery sacks and wrap it up good, stick it in the basket and before trash day, just dump the contents of the basket into a trash bag, wash the basket and start over.
Linda in NE says
I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who puts potentially stinky trash in the freezer till trash day.
Nelle Coursey says
He is going to enjoy the trash pick up even more than you! What a load off his list of things to do! He can spend that time in the shop.
Sherry in NC says
My aunt lives in a rural area of Virginia and they have dumpster stations along the rural routes. I used to be able to drop her trash off while I was visiting or on my way out of town, but no longer. In the last year or so, they have put trailers with an attendant in each one. You have to have proof that you live in the county to drop off trash. When the attendant isn’t there, the dumpsters are fenced in and locked up. So I can’t even help my elderly aunt by dumping her trash for her.
Judy Laquidara says
We have to have proof we live in the county. They use the inspection sticker on your vehicle which has your county on it. We also pay $5 per load. It doesn’t matter if you have a truck with a trailer or a small pickup – $5.00. Not complaining . . I’m sure it costs money to run a landfill and they keep the one here in pristine condition.
Twyla says
I too keep stinky trash in the freezer. One of our biggest fusses is husband putting stinky stuff in kitchen trash can. Or coffee grinds. I told our new trash pick up guy it would be like picking up trash for June Clever (remember Ward and JUne with gloves on scrubbing the trash cans?) Then I ask him if he was old enough to know who the Beaver’s parents were.