Did I just say not long ago that we never get mail delivered on Sunday? I don’t even expect to get mail on Sunday but you know I had ordered some yarn from Miss Babs on Wednesday evening. That was 9/2 and it probably didn’t go out til 9/3 or if it went out on 9/2, it was late. When I got the tracking info, it said it would be delivered on Wednesday, 9/9. It usually takes a week or longer for my yarn to arrive from Miss Babs (Tennessee), and with a holiday tomorrow, I wasn’t surprised it was scheduled for Wednesday and didn’t really expect it til Thursday. I went back and looked and the last package I ordered was on 9/23 and I got it on 9/21.
Since I’m wanting to go to MO and since I’ll have some time there when I’m not packing, I thought it would be nice to have the new yarn (not like I don’t have anything else to work on) but I figured it wouldn’t get here before we left.
Today I had been out cutting okra, came in the house to rest a minute before getting back to packing, looked at email and saw this.

I thought it must be a mistake or maybe I had ordered yarn earlier in the week that I forgot about ordering. That happens! I went to Miss Babs’ website and checked it there and it also said “delivered”. I hopped in the RTV, took off down the driveway and there was my package.

The funny thing is that some man was coming to buy something so Vince had just gone down and opened the gate. Lucky me . . he didn’t even see the package sitting there that had been delivered before noon. I don’t think he noticed me on the RTV either so . . I may have slipped yarn in without him even seeing!
This is for the Le Soir pattern that I can’t wait to start but I need to show a little self control and finish two mystery knit alongs (or at least get caught up on them) before starting something else.
I know that when it comes to knitting, I need to be monogamous as far as projects. Once I put something down, it’s so hard for me to get back to it. I should not even take this yarn to MO . . who thinks that will happen?
Susan Nixon says
It is very pretty yarn. Who could resist that?
Nelle Coursey says
That is beautiful! I love the colors and it looks so soft!