The plums have been getting ripe at a crazy fast rate.

Yesterday I picked right at 9 pounds. Almost every day this week, I’ve picked 8 – 10 pounds. We gave some away, knowing we’d have more than we could possibly use. Today I’m going to make some jam.
We need to get the ladder out to the orchard and pick the plums that are higher up than I can reach. One we pick those, there won’t be a lot left on the tree. I’m sure by Sunday, the plums will be done. Not sure what I’m going to do with them all. I’ll probably run a lot of them through the food mill and freeze portions to make plum crisp, plum bread and a couple of other plum recipes I like.
After the plums . . it will probably be more peaches. Then pears, then way later we’ll have pomegranates. Somewhere in there we should get figs. Jujubes will make til frost, as will the figs. The fruit trees keep me busy and I’m not complaining. I’m always thankful for the fruit.
Cindi says
Can you dry some and make prunes?
Judy Laquidara says
I could. I’d do that in the dehydrator but I probably won’t do that.
Joyce says
Those sure are pretty plums!
Amy Makson says
I am so envious! I love plums, and had a beautiful tree for 5 years… lovely flowers, so many tiny plums… picked them off so they were well spaced apart… got bigger and bigger… then shriveled and dropped. Fungus… the next two years I sprayed ( often) and did everything I was told…to no avail. I finally had the tree taken down this year as it made me sad and mad. I am so happy for you that you are able to grow them in Texas… Yum.
Susan Nixon says
Those ARE pretty plums. What a bountiful harvest! You’ve been blessed this year.
Judy Laquidara says
I’m so thankful for them, especially after we didn’t get any last year.