Lately it seems like we both wake up wondering what is going to go wrong today. I can’t even remember all the things lately – the kitchen faucet, the freeze dryer, the gate keypad, the water heater. We’ve said it comes in sets of threes. Seems like we’re on our third set of threes in about two weeks!
This morning Vince walked out with Rita and he said to himself . . why does it sound like a babbling brook out here? Then he looked and said . . why is all this water in our yard?

A water pipe had broken. He got it all dug out and is just waiting for the hole to dry so he can fix the break.

At least we’re still laughing about it and so far, most of the things, Vince can fix himself . . except the most dangerous and deadly of all . . the carbon monoxide.
Nelle Coursey says
As the old saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Hope this next week is a better one for you!
Susan Nixon says
You really have had a run of things. Hopefully, that means there will be a long period with nothing going wrong.
Judy Laquidara says
That’s what I’m thinking! Makes me a bit nervous to get in the car and drive to MO – especially since the car hasn’t been driven in almost three months.