Nicole’s mom and I have the same birthday. Isn’t that funny? It’s the only way Chad remembers my birthday – Nicole reminds him.
Sometimes I send her a gift, sometimes not. I usually think about it but since I’m not a shopper, I can never come up with neat gifts so if it isn’t something I’ve made, I usually don’t send anything and since we’ve been knowing each other for about 10 birthdays now, I figure she doesn’t want or need any more knitted items.
The Loopy Ewe has these adorable little (and bigger) notebooks. I love writing things down, making notes, making lists, planning in a notebook but I’ve never ordered these because . . well, Walmart spiral notebooks cost less than $1 most of the time. But I was thinking . . I deserve pretty notebooks and I deserve notebooks that make me smile so I was looking at ordering a couple of them from myself and I came across this one:

Minerology! Nicole’s mom is a geologist. Perfect birthday gift – three little notebooks. I don’t even know if she’s a note taker, list maker or if she would use them but it’s the thought that counts, right?
I ordered that little set and had it sent to her so it will arrive early. I was afraid if I waited to order it, The Loopy Ewe would sell out and then I’d wish I had ordered it early. I hope it makes her day brighter!
Nelle Coursey says
What a sweet gift. Maybe if she doesn’t journal she will pick it up now. I wish my ancestors had done this! I would like to know what they thought, did and how hard it was to come to Texas when it was really the Wild West!