Last night was a weird night! First, I’ve already mentioned that Rita had no reaction to the thunder. That’s a good kind of weird thing.
Second, Vince and I both have weather alarms on our phones and we have a weather radio. When there’s a warning, both our phones go off and the weather radio goes off. We didn’t really have terrible weather here but tere was bad weather not far from us with lots of rain, hail and wind. We did have wind. It was almost bed time and the weather alarm went off on Vince’s phone. He said “I didn’t think we were going to have bad weather!” He read it and it didn’t say our county. My phone never went off and the weather radio never went off. The wind was consistently strong but it wasn’t scary wind.
Third, we had clean sheets on the bed and I love clean sheets so I was looking forward to going to bed. Just before we went to bed, the carbon monoxide alarm went off in the bedroom. The gas water heater is in a closet off the master bath. Vince decided it just needed new batteries so he changed the batteries, we went to bed and just as I went to sleep, it went off again. I keep an extra CO detector on a shelf in the dining room because I sleep so sound that when Vince is out of town, I put that second detector on the nightstand by my bed. It went off. That’s when I said “I’m not sleeping in here!”
The other bedroom has two big windows on the sides of the bed so I felt comfortable going in there, closing the a/c vent, closing the bedroom door and opening those windows. We took the CO detector from the dining room in the bedroom with us and slept in the other bedroom.

Vince has already gone to Home Depot and bought another alarm. I have a birthday coming up and it looks like he may have bought me another trimmer! Some of you may remember this post when he bought me a weed eater for our anniversary. That’s another 10 year old post!
It could have been the wind and the way it was circling around that caused the water heater vent pipe to not be venting properly. It would be weird that it’s never happened before. Once we get the new alarm up, if it goes off, then we’ll have to make sure there’s not a bird nest or something in that vent and be sure the water heater is venting properly. We’ll stay on it. I’ve had two friends who died from carbon monoxide so I’m not taking any chances.
Joyce says
It was a good idea to sleep in a different room if the carbon monoxide monitor was going off!
Could Rita be losing some hearing and didn’t hear the thunder? I’m sure you were happy she didn’t panic.
Judy Laquidara says
Doubtful. I can crack an egg in the kitchen and she’s in there waiting for her egg.
Dottie says
Fingers crossed that the new monitor doesn’t go off.
Judy Laquidara says
Thanks! Me too. I think it must have been the wind causing the water heater not to vent since the new monitors have readouts and they’re all at zero today.
Dottie says
Nelle Coursey says
I had a friend who got it from his company car. It took him years to even be able to do anything!
Karen says
Scary when those things go off. Glad you moved to another room.
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, I think when I told Vince I’ve had two friends on different occasions die from CO poisoning, he knew I wasn’t going stop this we had resolution of one kind or another.