Perpetual Spinach is not spinach and neither is it perpetual but that’s what it’s called. To me, it’s almost exactly like Swiss Chard but I like the Perpetual Spinach better. Even though I love it, there’s only so much we can eat.
One word of caution: The Perpetual Spinach has a LOT of oxalates and for those of us who struggle with kidney stones, you may want to avoid it or limit your intake. I know I’ll be sorry I’m eating so much of it.
This morning I was out playing in the garden and the Perpetual Spinach is just unbelievably thick. I wasn’t even sure I was getting water down to the dirt because I can’t see the dirt. All I can see is green. I was thinking about what I might make because usually I just fry up some cajun sausage and simmer the leaves with that.

The thought occurred to me . . something similar to cabbage rolls. I grabbed a package of ground beef out of the freezer, started some rice cooking, then googled “stuffed chard”. I found this recipe that looked interesting. I had everything to make it but I added mascarpone cheese and chopped toasted walnuts.

The dish on the right is the dish with the leaves with the rice, mascarpone.
The dish on the left, I stuffed with rice, ground beef, onions, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.

I had a half used jar of marinara so I added some pesto (from a storebought jar) and added sauteed onions, garlic, and some fresh oregano.

If I do say so myself, it was one of the best meals I’ve made lately! And, I think this was our favorite way so far to cook the Perpetual Spinach.