Except, there is no okra in the garden! 🙁

Okra is the hardest thing we try to grow. I have to spray it with foliar iron spray at least once a week due to the pH of our soil and even with that, it’s almost impossible to get it to grow.
We planted okra and probably less than half of it came up. I went back and planted in the bare spots and about 1/4th of that seems to have come up. I used different seeds when I replanted. I have to get it up to be able to use the iron spray.
We have done everything we know to do, everything that has been recommended by A & M with our soil test results, and it isn’t successful but we’re not ready to give up.
The weeds had come up and were about 6″ tall and very thick so this morning, we pulled all the irrigation hoses out, added all the compost we had, some purchased composted cow manure, and Vince tilled it all under. He’s going to till it up every few days for a couple of weeks to try to knock down the weeds, then we’ll replant with totally new seeds and if that doesn’t work . . we’ll give up forever on growing okra here. And I will be very sad because I love okra.
Mary says
Do you soak your okra seeds in water overnight before you plant them? I am sure our soil is different here in N.C., but that is what my granddaddy always did and we always had lots of okra.
Judy Laquidara says
I do.
Phyllis says
We have trouble getting our okra to grow some years. When is does grow,me, my daughter and her family love it cooked in the airfryer. I leave it whole, add a little olive oil and some kind of spice, often smoky paprika and air fry until it is getting crispy. Is like eating candy.
Judy Laquidara says
I love to freeze dry it and can munch on it like that without rehydrating it but I love okra cooked most any way.
Jane lemm says
Growing okra is all good here for me in ks. It’s green beans! I can grow but they taste nasty. I have changed seed type again this year and using a raised bed We shall see. I feel your pain! Jane
Judy Laquidara says
Really? I’ve decided there’s no rhyme or reason to gardening here. One year, I planted green beans and put up 60 or 80 pints (can’t remember now). The next year I planted the exact same type green beans and never even got enough to cook for one meal. How crazy is that.
Good luck with your raise beds.