Slow but steady! This isn’t the time of year I get lots of knitting done – the garden is about top priority, then there’s the freeze dryer, the peaches, cooking. Yesterday we were talking about not having eaten out in 2-1/2 months. We never ate out often but we would eat at Chick-Fil-A if we were out running errands and we would pick up food to go from the local Thai restaurant from time to time. Not a bite of food I didn’t cook in 2-1/2 months. Vince said “I don’t miss eating out, do you?” No, I really don’t enjoy eating out but I do get tired of cleaning the kitchen. Most everything I cook works for at least two meals so that cuts down on the cleaning a bit.
Anyway . . here’s my current knitting project.

Here’s the most recent knitting section.

I get a few rows knitted each evening. I doubt I’ll be finished with this by June 1, when it’s time to start the first Camp Loopy project so it will get set aside while I work on the Camp Loopy sweater.
I love the colors and each section is different knitting so I hope I’ll actually get back to it and finish it. My track record on finishing things is not very good.
Stephani in N. TX says
This project looked interesting when you posted a photo before. What is it, and can I see it on Ravelry? Maybe Vince could help clean up your kitchen after your cooking marathons. I hate dishes after working in the kitchen for a good deal of time. Lucky for me, my kitchen is small. I have one of those open floor plans in my new house and would not like to look at my fling in the kitchen while watching TV or knitting.
Judy Laquidara says
Vince in the kitchen? Not happening.
Carolyn says
We’re amazed every time we drive by our Chick-fil-a at the number of cars in the drive thru. It’s almost always backed up out to the street and it’s two lanes! It amazes me that people need chicken that badly…although I have to admit that we have sat in the line once or twice when I’ve had a real hankering for a grilled chicken wrap. It’s in front of our Lowe’s, which we have been to many times during the shut down as we’ve done so many projects around the house!
Judy Laquidara says
Our Chick-Fil-A always had a very long line before the shutdowns. I can imagine what it must be like now, with the inside closed.
Joyce says
I don’t enjoy cooking (or cleaning up the kitchen), although I don’t eat out a lot other than on weekends. One of my summertime habits is to eat out after I mow the yard. It takes me 1 1/2 hours, and by then I’m totally exhausted. I have gone through the drive-thru lines frequently, and usually the lines are pretty long. I’ll be glad when I can go in and sit down! I just hope my favorite restaurants are still there once things open up again.
Sara Fridley says
In normal times I usually ate out for lunch once a week, and then a nicer supper out with the hubbie over the weekend. But for the past 2 months we’ve mostly eaten at home. And I do NOT enjoy cooking – especially for a really picky eater. We have ordered take out once a week from a couple of our favorite local restaurants. I also hope they are still there when this is over. Most of our local restaurants did take out and delivery throughout most of these weeks. And our county has only had 9 Covid cases since March 10. Ironically we had 3 of the first 5 in the whole state. So now that restrictions are easing, many of the restaurants are open for dine-in, but with limited hours and limited seating.
Judy Laquidara says
I hope we can get back to “normal” soon and the business that want to stay open can find a way to do it. I really feel for those who don’t enjoy cooking and have gotten used to not having to do it and were suddenly thrust back into the kitchen. There are plenty of things I don’t enjoy doing and if I had to start doing them for hours a day, I wouldn’t be too happy.
Rebecca says
I’m getting so bored with my own cooking! I do cook a variety of cuisines, but I have limits! We have been getting take-out about once a week (from local restaurants). I just hope they can hang on.
Barbara says
Yes, it’s cleaning the kitchen that has gotten to me! Eating at home 21 times a week generates a lot of dishes. When I went into the office it was just a quick breakfast, which is not a change, and I brought my lunch about 3x a week. Once a week I had a lunch meeting and once a week I ate out.
I’ve never minded cooking, but now it seems non-stop, even with leftovers.
Judy Laquidara says
I fix a cooked breakfast about three times a week but I cook a main meal almost every day and even if it’s just heating up leftovers, I’ll usually make a fresh veggie and a salad. Add that we’ve been having to much dessert and bread baking and that’s a lot of time in the kitchen and cleaning. I use a metal insulated cup all day – same cup. Vince goes through 20 glasses a day and he’s constantly snacking so every saucer and bowl is dirty by the end of the day. But this isn’t new for us. This is every day activities and won’t change once things go back to normal except I’ll probably cut out the desserts and at least some of the bread baking.