The best thing for me about all this stay at home stuff is that Vince is happy to go to the grocery store and since he prefers going without me, I get to stay home. It would not matter to him if I gave him a five page list and he had to go a dozen places to get it all. He loves shopping and he especially loves being able to take his time, look at everything and not have me trying to drag him out of the stores.
His stops for today:
- Aldi
- Walmart
- Home Depot
- Drug Store
- Sligers (the local veggie shop)
- Liquor Store
He’s wearing his mask, has gloves, hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes. The new way of shopping! It’s been 10 days since he went to the grocery store so I’m sure he was having withdrawals. I tried to keep everything on the list organized for him. The asterisks are for Aldi items.

There’s my list. As you can see from the “food” items, we’re still mostly living from what we have here in jars, cans or in the freezer. Who wants to bet he comes home with way more than what’s on the list? I’m not complaining . . whatever he brings home, we’ll use.
I’m back to putting up peaches. I got the eggs out of the freeze dryer this morning, and set it to auto defrost. As soon as it’s done and has time to cool down, I’ll put the 4 trays of frozen peaches in there and get it started again; then I’ll fill up the four trays that had the eggs on them with peaches and stick those in the home freezer waiting for their turn in the freeze dryer. Once I get those four trays filled, I don’t think I’ll have many peaches left to cut up and freeze – maybe 5 or 6 quarts so hopefully I can finish with the peaches today.
Oh . . the vodka on the list. We are not drinkers! We have a bottle of vodka here that we bought in Kentucky and that’s been at least 14 years ago. I had bought tonic water and Vince said “I think I’ll have a vodka and tonic. I said . . then I think I’ll have a bloody mary. Then we realized . . we’re almost out of vodka. If the bottle he buys today lasts us as long as the other one did, we’ll probably never have to buy vodka again. 🙂
I laughed thinking about it . . in my dream, we’ll be living in Missouri. We’ll be 80 years old and when we go to fix ourselves a drink, we’ll say “We bought this vodka in Texas!” and then we’ll laugh about the snakes, the dirt, the grass burrs. OK . . reality . . I have peaches to get done! 🙂
Deborah K Kuykendall says
I love the list. Especially the vodka. I remember a good recipe from the 90s by Emeril. It was on Emeril Live Show #EMIC18 (Citrus Rules). The recipe was Vodka and citrus cured salmon. It was delicious with bagels. One thing—-It calls for Absolut citron Vodka and as I recall it was much better with the Citron Vodka than the plain. Absolut isn’t cheap but it was good salmon. I haven’t made it in 20 years but the fact that I remember it means I would probably still like it. I might have to go by me some Absolute Citron on my next foray into the crazy outside world.?
Judy Laquidara says
I will find that recipe and will have to buy the Citron Vodka when I’m out by myself. Vince would have a stroke if I bought anything name brand! 🙂
Marilyn Smith says
My husband loves a vodka sauce on his pasta. Not a big fan of normal red sauce or marinara – he likes alfredo type sauces. But he loves the vodka sauce.
Denise Ramsay Porter says
This looks like it might be the recipe referred to by the previous commenter.
Judy Laquidara says
I’d say that’s it. Thanks for finding it and sharing it!
Deborah says
The recipe link from Denise is the one I remember! One caution, don’t use mango vodka or regular vodka. We tried both and found that it really needs the Citron vodka.
Carolyn says
And here I thought you were making peach vodka!
Joyce says
I make homemade vanilla extract, so I have a giant bottle of vodka in the cabinet…I used to have it sitting out on the counter top, tucked back by refrigerator, because the bottle was too tall for any of my cabinets. I had some work done on the house, and I remember thinking those workmen were going to think I was a lush with my half-full bottle of vodka sitting there. LOL
Liz says
I also get fresh vanilla beans and then make my own extract. It just tastes better.
Susan Nixon says
It could happen just that way. =) In the meantime, you’re making those memories.