Yesterday you saw the egg shells that dumped in the kitchen floor. Here’s how my day went today. I realize I have a very good life so I’m not whining . . I’m kinda looking behind me to see if there’s a black cloud following me around.
First, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. I never wake up and can’t go back to sleep but I could not go back to sleep. I tossed and turned and finally got up about 4. Vince got up about 4:15 to see if there was something wrong. I told him I was fine . . just couldn’t sleep . . go back to bed. I was happy to have a couple of hours alone. I sat and knitted til daylight then went out to the garden. Vince came out about 8:15 and he was going to the grocery store.
I went into the house, washed my hands, and went to deal with the freeze dryer. The eggs were done so I put a quantity of about 5 eggs into mylar ags, added an oxygen absorber, sealed those and will give them to Chad for taking camping. I ended up with 16 bags. There were 88 eggs total so if each bag has exactly the same amount in it (they don’t because I roughly measured with a cup), there would be 5-1/2 eggs per bag.
I came back to the house, tackled the peaches. I added 8 quarts of peaches for the freezer, for a total of 23 quart bags. Then I cut enough to fill the 4 extra trays for the next load in the freeze dryer.
By then Vince was home from his errands so I put away the groceries. He was able to get two packages of ground meat. Each package was 2 pounds and I had to divide those into 1 pound packages and vacuum seal that for the freezer.
By now, it was about 1 p.m. and I was dragging. I told Vince I needed a nap and he said “Good because I imagine you’re going to be grouchy. You didn’t get enough sleep!” Took my nap.
Woke up about 2:30 and since we’re having sandwiches today, I started getting stuff out for the sandwiches.
The worst thing that happened today: I dropped an entire quart jar of my homemade mustard and it shattered. I was sick about losing that mustard. It was a mess to clean up but dang it . . I LOVE that mustard. I guess I should start looking for more wasabi mustard seeds. I still have a pint of the mustard left but I do not want to run out!
Just to be safe, I’m going to sit and knit . . at least til it cools down and I can go out and work in the garden a bit.

When I woke up about 2:30, our weather station showed 107. By the time I dropped the mustard and cleaned it up, it had cooled off to 105 but it’s jumping between 105 and 107 and yes, I see two grains of wheat under the weather station. I guess we don’t have a hungry mouse in the kitchen!
Deborah says
Please tell me that 105 degree F is because your temperature probe is sitting in the sun.
Judy Laquidara says
Nope, that’s the actual temp being reported by our weather station. It showed 112 as the real feel last time I checked. I don’t see real feel on my station but it reports to Weather Underground and they post the real feel temp.
Cilla says
When you have time would you post the wasabi mustard recipe please? I love wasabi….lived in Japan for 2 years. Thank you.
Judy Laquidara says
Liz says
WOW – it’s just in the high 70s today in OKC…Good day to be staying inside to knit.
Nelle Coursey says
Our thermometer outside the back door in the sun said 130 degrees!! I believe it too! That is the temp if you are standing in the direct sun for a while! You could burn up in that heat, in a very short time.
Judy Laquidara says
I waited til about 7 before going out to work in the garden and it was still so blasted hot!
Laura says
Hot weather is coming to central California next week, but today it was a lovely 72. I was talking to my husband about when we’d see 72 for a high again, and we simultaneously said, “November!” Oh, well, it was lovely while it lasted.
Susan Nixon says
Your town is one of the ones I have on my phone weather app. I saw that you had over-hundred days, but it’s going to be cooler with all the thunderstorm days coming up. Our weather symbols look almost the same the next 8 days, and the temps aren’t too different after Friday. We are getting pouring rain right now, and have for a couple of days. Our few days of sunshine were lovely, but who knows when we’ll have any more?
Judy Laquidara says
Near 100 today and then I think I saw that the high tomorrow is 87. My garden and myself will be very happy – especially if we get a little rain. We definitely have plenty of sunshine and when I’m out and hot and dirty and dying in the heat, I remind myself to be thankful for the Vitamin D.