You know how Vince will never get rid of anything. He wears his clothes til they fall apart. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thrown things away when they came through the dirty clothes. He’ll say “Have you seen my black shorts?” I’ll say something like “I’m sure I have but not in the last day or so” and he forgets about them.
This is kinda “R” rated but when we lived in KY, at the house in town, the neighbor was a nurse. One day Vince was under his truck working on it and he had on a pair of shorts that were totally worn out. The neighbor walked over and was talking to me and I happened to look down at Vince under the truck. “DON’T LOOK, ETHEL!” She laughed and said “I”m a nurse. I’ve seen it all.”
Yesterday he had on an old shirt out working in the garden.

When we came back in the house, we were both so tired and dirty and both headed to the shower. You know how you reach around the bottom of a T-shirt to pull it off . . he did that and the part he was pulling on tore right off the shirt. He reached up higher to get a better grip and that part tore off too. We were standing there cracking up as his shirt was literally falling apart as he tried to get it off.
I’m not sure how many pieces it was in by the time he took it off. I was picking up the pieces that were on the floor to throw it all away and halfway expecting him to to say “No! I can still use it for something!” but, thankfully, he didn’t squawk about me throwing it away.
One worn out shirt . . gone!
Dottie says
Thanks for the morning funny! Have a good weekend.
vivoaks says
Wow!! My hubby has never gone that far with a shirt!! He does wear one that has a nice hole under the arm that I notice every time he takes a drink from his coffee cup. At least he’ll ask me to fix a shirt if it’s starting to fall apart. Of course, you know how well that works – quilters don’t mend clothes, right!!? Actually, I do, but it generally takes awhile before they get back to him. At least he’s not as bad as Vince… if his clothes start to fall apart he WILL throw them away! 🙂
Carolyn says
LOL thank you for the laugh…. My Husband is almost the same!
Laura says
That is truly worn out!
Ruth says
I remember a friend whose husband would NOT allow her to throw out his worn-out clothes. One day we were all at a friend’s house that backed onto a river and he was climbing into the canoe wearing an old pair of jeans shorts cut-offs. As he sat down in the back, I saw something R-rated and thought, she should make that pair of shorts disappear!
I’ve started using my old clothing for stuffing, all cut up of course.
Melisa says
This could be me! I have a collection of t-shirts from the last 30 years, and I recently came across them tucked away in a drawer. Since I sleep in a t-shirt, I decided it would be fun to wear my collection. After the first couple of days I began to see holes in the shirts that weren’t there when I pulled them out. Obviously they were too fragile to be sleeping in! So I packed them away again to save. It was fun reminiscing about good times while I had them out, though!
Judy Laquidara says
I’m the same way. I sleep in T-shirts. The other day I had on one from Chad’s middle school that said 2001 on it. Lots of mine have holes in them and lots of them need to be thrown away. I pull one out of the drawer, say I’m going to wear it and then throw it away. No way would I throw away a clean T-shirt! Then it gets in the dirty clothes, gets washed and the cycle continues and until it actually falls apart, it doesn’t get throw away so . . why was I laughing at Vince? 🙂
Amy Makson says
This is a great story! Thanks for giving us something to smile at!
Susan Nixon says
LOL, I think I’m getting to be more like Vince than I ever thought I would be. Not quite to that point, but buying clothes seems kinda pointless. I have 3 things for church, and I rotate those, and I have lots of t-shirts and jeans and sweats. What more do I need? LOL
Judy Laquidara says
That’s about all I need too. I doubt I even have three decent outfits. It’s all jeans and t-shirts for me.
cassews says
Oh my hubs takes it one step further – He gets my material scissors and cuts them up in rags. Puts them in the pile then asks me what I did with his tshirt that he forgot what he did with it!!
Judy Laquidara says
Well, I thought Vince threw that T-shirt away but I see it’s been draped across the clothes line for about a week.