Yesterday a package arrived from The Loopy Ewe. This is the package that took the scenic route – from Colorado to Nebraska to Texas but spent about five days in Abilene. I still have my Camp Loopy package coming and, of course, I’ll share photos when that package arrives.
The Yarn:
Even though I have more yarn than I’ll ever use . . maybe . . depends on who you ask . . I still like to get a bit of new yarn sometimes. That’s ok, right?

This is Stonehedge Crazy. According to The Loopy Ewe, it’s called Crazy because . . well, you can read by clicking on the link. Because this yarn does sell out quickly, I’ve always missed it but this time, I think I saw a TLE video on Facebook that it was in and was able to grab some. I do have a specific project in mind for it.
The Bags:
In my never ending attempt at getting organized, I’ve decided that having different bags helps. I have so many plain bags and so many that are the same – plain navy, plain purple, plain green . . even though I have tags on them that tell me what project is in which bag, my new plan is that any “cute” bag will have a grab and go project. All the yarn for the project will be in that bag, along with anything I need to work on it so if I get a call that I need to go somewhere (right . . where do I need to go?), I just grab one or two or four bags, depending on where I’m going and how long I’ll be gone.
I’ve thought of leaving yarn in Missouri, or leaving specific projects in Missouri but I know as soon as I do that, I’ll end up wishing I had whatever is there so I’m just going to leave probably a bit of sock yarn and maybe the yarn for one shawl there, and otherwise, take projects back and forth with me.

This is the bag the new yarn went into (the yarn shown above). I doubt I get to work on that project til after the August Camp Loopy project is finished.

This bag now holds the current project I’m working on. I need to do a blog post about that one. Next post!

This little bag will hold probably yarn for two pairs of socks. I’ll go ahead and get one pair started and up to the point of just knitting happily along without counting and that will be another good grab & go project.
That’s it for that box. Now back to that project in Bag #2.
Joyce says
I am a bag addict, so it’s good that I can make bags whenever I really, really want to,.. Those “systems of color” bags are really cool though! I just ordered for Camp Loopy last night, but I didn’t look at bags. I may have to go back and check out the bags… I’m planning to make a “Bojagi” shawl (free pattern), so I ordered some Leading Men Fiber Arts Show Stopper in Into the Woods and Bend and Snap. I’m hoping Into the Woods is more grey than blue (it’s hard to tell on a computer screen), but either way, I’ll make it work.
Judy Laquidara says
I’ve never ordered the Leading Men Fiber. Have you ever used it? Please share what you think about it.
I love the bojagi pattern. I’m sure it will be beautiful.
justquiltin says
I love Leading Men Fiber Arts Show Stopper yarn for socks. I’m using Into the Woods as one of the yarns for my Camp project. I think mine leans more green than blue but it’s hard to tell until its knit up. Oh but never mind since I just looked at the current photo on TLE website and it looks so totally different than what I have – I ordered mine in August 2019 and it has lots more different colors in it.
justquiltin says
Oh wait! I totally lied – I’m not using Into the Woods – I’m using “Stay Out of the Forest” LOL Woods/forest so confusing.
Sara Fridley says
I feel the same way about quilting fabric. I couldn’t possibly live long enough to use it all, but I enjoy buying new fabric and patterns. And as much as I’ve tried to cut back on purchases I’m not going to feel guilty about new purchases. You could have much worse hobbies! Enjoy that pretty new yarn!
Dottie says
Love those totes! I’ve been “trying” to put projects in individual bags to take with me if we’re traveling (or to work on at home). Unfortunately, a lot of the projects don’t have everything needed in the bag (scissors, pins, tape measure, etc.) and if I grab that bag to take, I get in the car and find out (too late) that I forgot the scissors. What’s sad is I have TOO many pairs of scissors – I definitely shouldn’t have a problem putting a pair in each project bag, LOL.
Judy Laquidara says
I keep a little plastic container by my chair and it has stitch markers, a darning needle, a little pair of scissors, a tape measure and now, a hair clip so I can keep my hair out of my eyes. I have all my knitting patterns that I’m using on Knit Companion on my iPad so any time I grab a bag to take somewhere, I stick the iPad and my little container of essentials in the bag too. Also, I keep a pair of scissors in my car. Same pair has been in there for 13 years! These little scissors are great IF you ever need inexpensive little scissors.
Dottie says
Those are cute little scissors – they remind me a little bit about some I got some time ago.
Nelle Coursey says
Great idea! I have so many bags from all the conventions we went to over the years that I couldn’t possibly fill them all up! Well maybe I could if I tried hard enough!! LOL
Susan Nixon says
It sounds like a good plan to me. I hope you get to go soon.