Today was the day Vince chose to go to the landfill. We don’t have trash pickup but thankfully, we’re only about 3-1/2 miles from the landfill. Since we’ve not been going to the grocery store much, we’re eating out of the freezer, and most of that is either in vacuum seal bags or re-usable containers, and we’re eating a lot out of jars – foods I had preserved over the past years. Yes, years! Chickens get the yummy scraps and the compost tube gets the other trash that will compost. The biggest part of Vince’s dump run today was boxes! We save some of the boxes for putting down in the garden to keep weeds down but a lot of them go to recycle at the landfill.

Note that he even has boxes in the passenger seat!
We laughed about this load. One of the things we fond out when we were looking to move to Arkansas was that in the Mountain Home area, there had been some issue with their landfill and it’s outrageously expensive to get rid of trash. You pay by the bag. As Vince was grabbing his $5 to go to the landfill, he said “I bet this load would cost at least $50 in Arkansas.” Here, so long as it it’s household waste and not construction materials, it’s $5/load. Another reason to stay in Texas I suppose.
Teri says
Wow what a bargain! There sure are a lot of benefits to life there! Are your property taxes high?
Judy Laquidara says
Not bad. We live out in the county and there are several exemptions that are available. We don’t complain about the taxes here, especially with no state income tax.
Ranch Wife says
All that’s missing is a rocking chair with you settled into it perched atop! But then I guess you’d have to teach Rita or Cat how to take a picture. 😉
Danielle Nabozny says
we have a pile getting ready to go. But they are discouraging people from using the dump yet. So we will wait a little while longer. And I am sure the load will be larger then!
JustGail says
It’s nice that you can take trash to the landfill. Our county transfer station has been closed to individuals for trash and recycle drop off since early April. Finally enough people complained enough that they put a dumpster outside the fence for household trash, still no recycling. Between compost bin, cats, and burn pile, we usually don’t have lots of trash, but the papers, boxes, and plastics are piling up!
Judy Laquidara says
What do they expect people to do?
Susan Nixon says
Those reasons keep mounting up!
Nelle Coursey says
Dang, I thought you were going to say he was “huntin for some food an up from the ground came a bubblin pool”!! LOL