This is a test knit I’ve just finished knitting and it was blocking in this photo.

It isn’t going to be dry today so maybe tomorrow I can get a picture of it. This thing is H.U.G.E.
After I had knitted a while on it, I was wishing I had set it up for steeking because I could cut it apart and make a blanket out of it. It is H.U.G.E. I saw where one of the test knitters said she was putting hers in the washer and dryer hoping it would shrink.
I tried it on before I soaked and blocked it and . . well, all I can say is it’s huge! It is definitely not a Texas winter cowl. One thing I thought about . . if Addie is ever marching or riding in a float for a Christmas parade in Missouri and we go to watch, I have a perfect red cowl. If it was super cold . . somewhere . . it is kinda nice to wrap twice around my neck but otherwise . . it is just huge.
I know some people like big bulky cowls. I am not one of those people.
Dottie says
Even though it’s huge, it’s beautiful! Love the color and the pattern.
Nelle Coursey says
I love it and I love the pattern.
Joyce says
If you were not doing it as a test knit, could you leave off one repeat so it wouldn’t be quite so wide?
Judy Laquidara says
With test knits they usually want you to make it exactly by the pattern, for several reasons but one being to test the amount of yardage recommended. When I sign up for a test knit, I agree to make it exactly by the pattern.
But, if I were doing it not as a test knit, I could leave off one or more of the repeats.
Susan Nixon says
Now that it’s knitted, can’t you change it’s purpose?