I don’t know how long it’s been since I lost my sourdough starter to some funky smell. We were on keto for at least six months and I wasn’t making bread. At first, I was dedicated to taking it out of the fridge and feeding it weekly but then I’d forget and the I’d forget again and finally one day . . it smelled really bad so I tossed it. Then, just as all this was starting, I ordered a new starter from King Arthur . . back when you could order yeast, and flour and sourdough starter and in a few days, it would arrive at your house. Remember those days? The good old days!
Actually, I ordered a starter from somewhere else too. They both arrived. I mixed them up, fed them a few times and the one from the other place smelled kinda gross but the one from King Arthur smelled so good – sour and sweet and yummy – like sourdough bread is supposed to smell.
I’ve been trying to conserve flour and feed the minimum amount without starving the little rascal. If I start with about 50 grams of starter, add 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of water, I end up with 150 grams and that leaves me about 70 to 80 grams of starter after I take out enough for bread and that way I have enough if I want to make something else.
I had been hearing about sourdough English Muffins so . . oh dear . . I never know what day today is so that makes it hard to know what two days ago was but heck, now it’s Friday again so it was Wednesday (I think . . but it doesn’t really matter) that I decided to start another batch of bread and I had enough starter to try the English muffins. This is the recipe I used.
Oh, my goodness. That recipe was so easy! And so delicious! Vince said “We’ll never buy English Muffins again!” I thought . . don’t be so sure about that!

I felt like my dough was a little thick and I should have patted it out a bit thinner but I didn’t want skimpy looking English muffins.

I cooked them in the skillet and we had egg, ham and cheese muffins for breakfast yesterday. Kinda like the sourdough read, you leave the dough out all night, then roll it (but I patted it with my hands because I don’t like rolling dough like that), cut them and cook them on a griddle but I had a skillet out and that worked.

That was a really good breakfast! After we get done in the garden, I may come in and fix the exact same thing for breakfast this morning! I have plenty of English Muffins.
The basic sourdough – you leave the dough sitting out overnight, then shape it and put it in the fridge for 3 – 10 hours. I put it in the fridge Thursday morning about 8:30, figured I’d bake it about 5, remembered it about 9:00 so I baked it.

That looks like a really good loaf but I haven’t even cut into it yet. It wasn’t cool by the time we went to bed last night and I knew we’d have a big breakfast after coming in from the garden so I left it alone.
Debbie says
Oh Judy. I wish I had ordered the King Arthur sourdough starter. I had a great sourdough starter years and years ago and it was so good and reliable. I decided it best to order a starter rather than start from scratch. I ordered from another company, not King Arthur. I’ve religiously adhered to the instructions and am on day 7 or 8. It rarely has a bubble or two. It has a slightly sour smell but nothing that indicates it is off. I’m not getting a hooch. So it isn’t that I’m starving it. I’ve put it on a warming mat to see if adding just a little heat will accelerate any activity I have but I’m discouraged. Good luck with yours. Maybe I’ll order one from King Arthur when they are available again.
Susan Nixon says
I don’t think when I was making sourdough bread that I ever left it in the refrigerator for a long time! I just use the Amish Friendship Bread starter, so maybe it works differently.