How did this day almost pass without a blog post? What’s the world coming to? We probably don’t want to know! 🙂
Yesterday on the way home from picking up groceries, Vince and I had this conversation in the car:
Vince: Tuesday is the day old folks can go in early to Aldi and Walmart. Want to go?
Me: NO!
Vince: Why?
Me: We just picked up the grocery order with everything we need for two weeks.
Vince: There are some things I think we still need.
Me: You go but I don’t want to go.
Vince: What if this ends up being like your bridge fear ad you turn into a recluse.
Me: Wouldn’t bother me! Would it bother you?
Vince: No.
We had been talking about trying to get some eggplant plants. I’ve planted seeds but never have much luck with eggplant seeds – especially this late. Vince called the local nursery to see if they had gotten in any eggplant plants. They were out but said they should have some in today. They said they had two left! He called Home Depot and they had none. He called the nursery back and asked them to hold the two plants so we ran down there. We both wore our masks. The place was packed. No social distancing in there. With probably 15 people in there, I saw two others with masks.
We probably had them on less than 5 minutes. We went into the greenhouse, grabbed a couple of yellow squash plants (because I only had a few yellow squash seeds!), 4 watermelon plants and 4 cantaloupe plants, went in, got the eggplant plants, got a few yellow squash to eat this week and we were out of there.

I had told Vince that I didn’t feel like we were exposed. We didn’t talk to anyone, didn’t get close, got in the car and used the Clorox wipes. I told Vince I’d wash the masks but he said “Sunlight kills everything!”

I hung them on the line and they were in the sun for at least four hours. No telling how long it will be before we use them again . . I’m going to hang them back on the line and I think I’ll still wash them. Can’t be too careful!
Sara Fridley says
My husband went to Menards – twice this weekend as he is working on some yard repairs! And he refuses to wear the mask I made him. He said it was packed both times with people NOT social distancing. But he did say all of the Menards staff wore masks. I’ve given up reasoning with him about the mask. Luckily our whole region has had very few positive cases, so hopefully that reduces the risks a little bit.
Nancy Hager says
I read an article in the Atlantic that said if everyone wore a mask to control their exhalation of virus we could get the spread count to below one. Currently the estimate that the spread is about 2.4. It has to get below 1 before it will basically stop spreading. The article said that the cloth mask may not prevent you from inhaling the virus, they are really not sure but that it prevents you from spreading at about 99%. An article from Wake Forest said that batik masks prevent 79% of the particulate intake. Regular cotton is a bit less as the weave is not as tight. I have informed my husband that if he doesn’t wear a mask he is not going anywhere so he wears one. I just wish that everyone would. As that would prevent them from spreading germs onto everything. What crazy times we are living in.
Judy Laquidara says
At this point, I don’t believe anything. They’ve said so much. I don’t see how they can even guess at the spread number since such a small percentage of people are being tested. I think even crazier than the virus is the reaction to it.
Nelle Coursey says
Any time I have gone out there are very few people going into the stores wearing masks! It is shocking. I wear mine, not so much to protect me but to protect others from me if I should happen to be a carrier. I guess people don’t understand that! I read somewhere if you put the masks in a paper bag and leave them out in the hot sun for at least 4 hours, they will be disinfected. So Vince is correct! The hot sun, especially as hot as it has been this last week, will kill anything!! LOL What I can’t understand is why people will not wear them to protect others! Even a bandana with a coffee filter inside it is better than nothing!
Rebecca in SoCal says
And then there are the people who say “I don’t have it,” and I just think “that you know of.” *sigh*
Our county (San Diego) is going to require face masks when out in public starting May 1. Since they opened (limited to surfers, swimmers) some beaches today, it will be interesting to see if they want people to wear them to the water’s edge?