I’m sure everyone who has read this blog more than twice knows how much I do not like shopping. I don’t like shopping for groceries, I don’t like shopping for clothes, I don’t like shopping for furniture; not blaming Vince . . if anything, I’m thanking him but I do believe that it’s his deep love of shopping that has caused me not to like it. I know that when we leave this house to go shopping, there is a disagreement coming. No! We do not need 40 cans of tuna . . 2 cans is fine! It’s the same if I’m shopping for shoes. We’re always together. He always wants the least expensive. Maybe Big Lots would have shoes that would fit you! No . . I do not want shoes from Big Lots!
Vince would rather shop than do anything I’ve ever seen him do. He loves finding bargains. If he can search for hours and save $2, his time is well spent. I do not care about bargains. But, I have to say . . any time I do want a bargain – new computer, new camera, new can opener . . I put Vince on the task and he always finds the best buy.
I buy maybe two pairs of shoes a year. I find what’s comfortable and looks acceptable and while I’m not going to spend $250 for a pair of tennis shoes, I really don’t care if they’re $30 or $60 or even $80. And, I’m going to wear that same pair of shoes every day for the next two or three years! Vince is going to find a pair that’s a bargain, buy three pair, stick them in the attic, ten years from now realize the glue has all gone bad in the hot attic and throw them away. It’s not a lot of different in that and all the yarn or fabric I buy but we we go about it differently and somehow, in my mind, the way I do it is ok.
Some of you will remember that when I was in the hospital two years ago, we went to Abilene because my blood pressure had gone sky high (it’s normally on the very low end of normal) and I was having shortness of breath. I had time to cake a skein of yarn so I could knit in the hospital and then stop at Chick-Fil-A in Abilene and eat before going to the hospital but I had on sandal so when they wanted me to do a stress test, I needed shoes. I told Vince that I wear a size 7, he went to buy me a pair of tennis shoes . . at Walmart. The closest size he found that looked decent were 8-1/2 and I’m betting those were the ones on sale. They’re a tad big but I got through the stress test and survived.
Probably six months ago, walking barefooted through the house, I ran into something and injured the toe next to the little toe on my left foot. The nail probably isn’t ever going to be right but wearing tight shoes hurts that toe. My garden boots are not too tight, not too loose but something about them, or maybe just that I wear them when I’m working hard and on my feet for hours . . that injured toe really hurts when I wear those boots.
I have one pair of tennis shoes and when I get a pair I like, I wear them til they literally fall apart. They are so comfortable and my toe doesn’t hurt in those shoes. I told Vince . . I think I’m going to see if I can find another pair of these online. There’s a Shoe Stop or Shoe Dept. or something like that in Chad’s town and I can always walk right in there and find the perfect shoes. I bought these there last May when we were buying summer sandals for Addie. They’re Saucony brand so I was hoping I could find another pair just like them. I was wishing I had taken Vince’s advice and bought two pair instead of one. How do you really know you’re going to LOVE a pair of shoes before you wear them for a month or so?
I was thinking I could wear the tennis shoes in the garden but it won’t take long before they look just awful and I only have the one pair that I like so I hate to ruin them. Vince said “Try to order more just like them!” OK . . I’ll do it.

These are the ones I have and would love to have found the same color but I found these that were half of what I paid for mine.

Do not like the solid black but they will be fine for working in the garden as long as I’m not in areas that might have a snake . . which is probably anywhere in Texas this time of year.
Vince was saying “Get 2 pairs!” They only had one pair in my size and no . . I’m not getting a size or a size and a half bigger because they’re on sale!
Then I saw these – same shoe and also on sale.

They’re pretty! I got those too. Over half off. Free shipping. We’re both happy!
Two new pairs of shoes coming my way. I may never have to buy shoes again!
Bon says
Sure hope they fit comfortably. I always have to try on shoes before I buy them. I have picky feet.
Nancy says
My mother had trouble finding shoes that would fit her feet,so when she did find a pair she would buy one in every color.
Rebecca in SoCal says
I agree with “how do you know you’re going to like them until you’ve worn them?” However, by the time I get to that point, I’ve forgotten the stress of looking for shoes, and don’t go out and get a second pair. I’ve been fortunate that there is a style of Reeboks I like that I have gotten repeat times in both black and white. I’m kind of bored with them now, though, and back on the shopping circuit!
KAy Sorensen says
Saucony is the only brand I could wear. And I buy the men’s shoes as they give me more toe room. I have been wearing them for at least 30 some years
I do buy a different size in men’s than I would in Women’s
Bought most on eBay at around half off
Nelle Coursey says
I will send you a link via email to a place where I am going to order my shoes from now on. I got us both a pair of the lined moccasin house shoes and we love them!! All their shoes have inserts in them for support. You can put as many or as little in them as you want to. I love their sandals and they are all on sale now.
Pamela Crane says
Nelle Coursey, Can you share your link? Those moccasins sound great!
Susan Nixon says
The thing I would worry about with the black ones is wearing them in the heat. They could turn out to be winter shoes!
Judy Laquidara says
I’m not out there a lot during the heat of the day because mostly what I’m doing is watering and I can’t do that during the day when it’s so hot.