Our meals these days seem to be quick and easy but I think they’re still tasty. My preference is to be playing with bread dough instead of cooking meals.
Yesterday I made chicken fettuccine with the leftover chicken from the chicken/waffles.

I steamed asparagus and toasted some of the spelt sourdough bread and added butter/garlic.
Today we’re having lamb chops that Vince will grill, probably a baked potato and chard. Our vegetable every day seems to be chard or asparagus since we have that in abundance right now. I’m definitely not complaining about that.

About every other night we have something sweet. A couple of nights ago, I opened a small jar of peaches and we shared that. Last night I took a package of frozen jackfruit from the freezer and we had that. You can see it was still a bit icy. That’s how I like it.
I think back to the days when I spent hours and hours in the kitchen preparing meals and now, meals seem quick and if they aren’t quick and easy, they’re something that will make several meals so my efforts are rewarded by not having to cook for a few days. I suppose I’ve gotten a bit lazy in my old age! 🙂
vivoaks says
Quick and easy is definitely the way to go!! I’m definitely getting lazy in my old age… Today, however, I will be cooking up the ham I bought for Easter but never cooked. My oldest daughter’s birthday is tomorrow, so I’m cooking the ham today then taking a bunch of it to her with some baked pineapple and some kind of potatoes, plus her favorite cake – Wacky cake with peanut butter icing!! 🙂 With the ham that will be left, I’ll have at least a couple more meals out of what I keep, plus I’ll get another batch of split pea soup with the bone, too!! Yum!!!
Linda in NE says
I’ve really never felt the need to spend hours cooking meals. I might like what I created but my husband would want plain meat, potatoes & veg. He’d like some rich dessert at every meal, but that’s not happening with me trying to control my blood sugar. The only time I spend much time on a meal is Christmas dinner for the whole family.
Sue Edberg says
I am not much of a cooker – never have been. Since we have been on “Stay at Home, Stay Safe”, I have been doing more cooking but everything is simple. My husband doesn’t like anything fancy and only likes a limited number of ingredients. He really doesn’t like many veggies and we don’t eat much red meat. I have several recipes I would love to try but I know he would turn his nose up at them and then want me to make something else for him. I am so tired of making the same things over and over again. We used to go out to eat several times a week and being at home is really getting old!
Nelle Coursey says
I do not think of lazy when I think of you! You are anything but lazy!!
Susan says
So how’s that knitting coming along? It seems weird that you are stuck entirely at home and yet no knitting is done! LOL
Judy Laquidara says
Just haven’t had the time. Other priorities. I made a ton of masks for friends and family. I think I mailed out close to 100. We’re almost finished with planting the garden. Have been freeze drying veggies out of the garden and eggs. Haven’t had much sit down time. And, by about 10, I’m exhausted and go to bed pretty early. Late at night is when I normally get a lot of knitting done but it’s just not happening these days.