This morning I announced that I was going to e lazy all day. Vince never cares . . I think he knows that at least for the most part, I’ll get done whatever needs to be done.
I’ve been wanting Migas but didn’t have corn tortillas or masa harina to make them so I ordered four bags of masa harina and a tube of hand cream which was enough to get free shipping at Walmart. It arrived yesterday and I was so happy to get to make Migas but this morning when I first got up, I talked myself out of making them. I kept wanting them and we still hadn’t either one made any effort to fix breakfast so I decided to make Migas.

Look at those egg yolks! Our chickens must have heard that we were thinking about getting rid of them . . one of us more than the other one but when they weren’t laying and we were spending about $17 a week on food, Vince kept saying . . how much are eggs and how many do we need per week? I wanted to say .. how much do we spend on that blind dog and what does she give us? Or, what about that hissing cat?? But, I didn’t say anything. Now that we’re hearing that in some areas eggs are hard to find, and bugs are plentiful, our chickens aren’t eating so much feed and they’re laying again so all is good . . til they stop laying again.

The prep work for Migas takes a few minutes but after that, it’s ready in a flash. Clockwise from the 12:00 position: Grated cheese with green onions because those go in after the cooking is done; tomatoes, onions, ham, cilantro, jalapeno, bacon, friend corn tortillas and eggs, of course, in the middle.

Vince said “This is the best Migas you’ve ever made!” I smiled, thinking . . that’s what happens when I don’t make them for six months! They seem so yummy!

With four bags of masa harina in the house, I think I can make corn chips again soon so maybe we’ll have Migas more often.
Dottie says
Marie Gilkey says
Judy, Eggs are between $ 3. and 4.00 a dozen up here when you can find them. Getting rather pricey. Hold on to your chickens for now.