Vince loves spaghetti sauce. It’s in his genes! Since I don’t like red sauce and I really don’t like oregano, I can hardly force down a little spaghetti sauce. Vince always feels bad that I make it and don’t eat it so I put a little in my bowl, stir it around and he doesn’t seem to notice.

Yesterday I kinda cobbled together a recipe. I had read a couple of recipes that looked good, though I knew they wouldn’t be something I liked but I do try to make spaghetti sauce for him at least once every couple of weeks. One of the recipes I saw had lentils in it and I thought that was an interesting twist. Probably not something his father would like but . . he isn’t around so I did it.
I put a couple of carrots through the food processor, along with an onion and garlic, then sauteed that in olive oil. Then I added a pound of ground beef, browned that, added about 3/4 cup of lentils, 2 cans of diced tomatoes, about 2-1/2 cups of water, oregano, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper.
Mushrooms sounded good but I didn’t have any fresh ones. I have plenty of freeze dried mushrooms so I took some that I had purchased already freeze dried, soaked those and added them to the mix.

I let all that simmer til the lentils were done and the sauce was thick. I toasted some pine nuts, and served those, along with parmesan cheese over the pasta and sauce. Vince didn’t even notice that I had mostly pasta, hardly any sauce, a lot of pine nuts and a lot of cheese.

The best part – homemade rolls! There was also steamed asparagus so I had plenty to eat without eating that red sauce. Vince was happy. I doubled the recipe so I’ll have some in the freezer for next time and probably the next time.
I’m kinda feeling like it may be time to again start thinking about meals to take to MO. Surely within a month or so we can go there . . I hope!
Linda in NE says
As far as traveling goes….remember once we hit the peak with this virus there is still the downhill side. If people start running around again too soon case numbers will start to rise again. Addie will still be there when all this is over…whenever that is. I miss my grandkids too, but I’d rather wait to see them than have them come to my funeral.
Judy Laquidara says
We’ve been out twice for curbside grocery pickup in 5-1/2 weeks. Trust me, we will not be going out til it’s safe to do so. If they would get enough tests for everyone to have them as often as they wish, we could have the test, she could have the test, then if we’re all negative, we could spend a couple of weeks together or she could come back here and stay with us for a while.
Nancy says
I believe once they have tests that we will discover more people have had it than realize. My son is sure he had it but he couldn’t get tested because he wasn’t sick enough to enter a hospital nor a health care worker. Since our state was the first there were no tests to begin with. That said, this is not going away. We will just develop ‘herd immunity’, for a while. Then it will become seasonal. Every year people die of the flu this will become the same type of thing.
What I find distressing is the loss of freedom I see happening. I do not want an app on my phone that tracks me and all the people around me like they are currently building. They say it will be voluntary and it probably will be until it isn’t. We are going to lose more and more freedom of movement as we head down this road of monitoring people. 1984 is becoming real. And today I really am negative Nancy.
Judy Laquidara says
I agree! That’s what concerns me most – the loss of freedoms and probably worse is the number of people who think it’s ok because it helps keep us safe. The irony – they let people out of prison because of the virus but yet we’re all home self-isolating and there’s the potential to be tracked to help keep us safe . . yet incarcerated folks are let out of jails and people in some states now feel the need to buy guns to keep their family safe and yet the gun stores are closed. And, at a time when people rightfully so feel the need to garden and at least try to grow some of their own food, they cannot buy seeds or plants. I don’t think you’re being negative at all. For those of us who know history, know what’s happened in other countries and have read 1984 or Agenda 21, it’s darned scary. The fact that too many politicians can’t get us dependent on the government fast enough, this is the perfect opportunity to advance that agenda.
Susan Nixon says
I feel Nancy’s pain, because I agree with her about this app. I’m not volunteering to download that. And what’s the next step? It doesn’t look pretty from here. I do hope you can soon go to Missouri.