The last couple of years our garden has been such a bust that we planned to not even have one this year. Thankfully, back in the winter, Vince decided he wanted to give it one more shot and we planted lettuce, spinach, carrots and other winter veggies. I’m so glad we did.
There are some things out there that are perennial, of sorts. There’s a raised bed of asparagus – two actually. This time of year, I have to cut asparagus twice a day. I usually go out after daylight and then again about 3 p.m. Yesterday when I went out for the morning cutting, I got about what I always get. When I went out in early afternoon, it was like magic beans out there! I cut what was ready but knew I needed to check it again so when I went out just before dark, this was the third cutting.

That’s about half what I got in each of the first two cuttings. I think it was the little bit of rain we got a few days ago.

I pulled up a few carrots. I’ll roast a few of these for part of our dinner today and make carrot top pesto with the tops.

The above greens are in the keyhole and the bigger greens are “perpetual spinach”. We an eat it raw in salads, or on sandwiches or cook it . . it’s really delicious and it’s thicker than regular spinach. I like it a lot. You can see a few carrots and a squash plant that’s popped up from seeds I planted.

The artichokes are doing great. I’m so looking forward to lots of artichokes!

On the left is garlic. On the right is onions. Both of those seem to be doing great.
I think I’m going to pull the beets out today and I believe I have time to plant more. It’s supposed to rain some time in the next few days so I’d like to get that done before the rain.
Also in the garden are the elderberries.

I’m beginning to think the elderberries are going to take over! I planted 14 plants and there are probably at least 28 plants now and it’s hard to tell which are the 2 year old plants and which are the new plants that have sprung up. And, I cut canes and rooted those so I have about 20 more elderberries to plant . . somewhere. I don’t think I’m going to put them in the garden because I don’t want an entire garden of just elderberries!
The blackberries are loaded! I hope to get at least enough to make a cobbler and I hope I can get out and get Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream by then.
I’m so happy we decided to give the garden one last chance to perform.
Karen says
Asparagus is my most favorite vegetable. I could eat it with every meal.
Judy Laquidara says
I say I could but this time of year, when we are eating it every meal, for just a short time, I’m happy when it’s done . . then I miss it. This year I’m freeze drying it. Not sure what all it will be good for but I know it works great for soup.
Sara Fridley says
I gave up gardening years ago, but do miss the fresh veggies. We had asparagus growing along our road and I was always amazed at how fast it grew. Picking twice a day was a must. Surprisingly, we’ve had really nice asparagus in our local grocery store this spring. My husband hates it but I love to roast it along with some carrots.
April Reeves says
Every spring I say I will do a fall garden but come August, I’m over the gardening and watering and it is so hot outside that I lose interest. I’m strictly a March to June gardener. I don’t even mess with my flower beds after June. Maybe this year will be different ….
Judy Laquidara says
We planted the carrots, beets, lettuce, etc. in December. I’m with you — I keep my okra going til frost but I’m done with everything else when it’s too hot and too many snakes out there.
Dottie says
Your garden looks so good! Nothing like lots of fresh vegetables that taste so wonderful.
Judy Laquidara says
I’m so glad we decided to do it.
Judy H says
I’ve never heard of “carrot top pesto”! I’ll have to look into that! Your garden looks like it’s thriving this year! That’s wonderful!
Judy Laquidara says
After two years of doing almost nothing, I’m very pleased with it this year.
Nelle Coursey says
I saw a recipe somewhere today for beet salsa!
Rosalie says
I look forward to hearing how your container gardening goes in the heat of the summer. I usually do ok with the tomato plant in big containers but the squash wilt unless watered twice a day in summer.
Judy Laquidara says
These pots are self-wicking so we shouldn’t have to water more than twice a week but yes, I’ll post here about it.
Rebecca in SoCal says
This is a lovely post! There’s such joy in your appreciation of fresh vegetables outside your door. Which, especially now, is nice.
I’ve heard of carrot top pesto, but never tried it (even when I got leafy carrots in my organic farm box delivery). Enjoy!
Ethelann Wood says
I am glad it is doing so well this year. It is good food and something to do with your time. Hopefully next year you can skip it and spend more time in the apartment!