Yesterday the freeze dryer finished up a load – two trays of asparagus from the garden and two trays of celery – the celery Vince thinks may result in his untimely death!

I like celery and asparagus but when it’s freeze dried . . I almost have to hide it from myself. With my memory, I often do that without even trying! With the water taken out of it, the asparagus is sweet – almost like eating candy. It is so good! The celery is like the lightest ever celery flavored chip.
I’ll only freeze dry asparagus that we grow but I’ll definitely be drying more celery. I really love that and it’s a great road snack. Celery is supposed to have a calming effect so when I’m driving, that makes it a great snack – except for the time I was coming up to a scary overpass just outside Tulsa and I kept cramming celery in my mouth so I’d be calm and some of it was pretty fibrous and I almost choked to death before I got to the bridge that was going to scare me to death if the celery hadn’t already . . wait . . Vince thinks he’s going to die because of celery and here I am talking about almost dying while eating celery. Don’t blame celery! Blame the crazy humans who are handling the celery!
Anyway – it took three bunches of celery to fill two trays which filled two quarts and one pint. I did plant celery seeds. I’ve never grown it before but it surely would be nice if it grew and produced.
My shopper at Brookshire’s last week probably wondered what I was doing with 6 bunches of celery. Have you ever thought about what goes through the minds of those shoppers with some of the grocery orders they receive? The checkout ladies often look at me like I’m weird as they’re ringing up my groceries. Sometimes they will ask me “What do you do with this?” but most of the time, I know they’re thinking . . I’m glad I don’t eat at your house!
Paula Nordt says
I’ve been buying 8-10 bags of sugar a week to make sugar water to feed our bees until the nectar flow begins. Inevitably someone gives me a look or asks why I’m buying all that sugar.?
Joan says
I have the same issue! I’ve thought about bringing along a sign to the store that reads, “I am NOT a sugar hoarder; I am a beekeeper!!”
Judy Laquidara says
I can’t imagine why anyone feels it’s their business to scrutinize what’s in someone else’s cart. If they have a sign that says “Limit – 2” and you have 20 in your cart . . yes, the evil eye may be in order but otherwise . . get what you need and you shouldn’t have to endure anyone’s obnoxious glare. Dang it!
Linda in NE says
My daughter is a part-time shopper for the online orders at a Hy-Vee store. Sometime I’ll have to ask her what she thinks about some of the order and what were some weird ones.
Judy Laquidara says
Please do. I’d love to hear. Maybe they kind of robotically shop and don’t think about it.
Susan Nixon says
If only they knew, they’d be fighting to eat at your house. I like freeze dried celery for cooking, or dehydrated, for that matter. No more slimy celery in the fridge!
Sherry in NC says
I was a store shopper until I retired in November. We had one customer that ordered 15 pints of Hagen-Daz White Chocolate Raspberry ice cream every week. She said that was almost all she ate. Some medical condition, I think. We had to order an extra case just for her.