Today is Wednesday, right? Now I’m not sure. OK . . checked the phone and it is Wednesday. The days go by so fast.
Vince has spent the biggest part of this day working on a small raised bed for growing turmeric and ginger. I had hoped to have them all planted today but that isn’t going to happen.
We did go to town today, masks in hand, Clorox wipes in the car, and gloves.
First stop was to drop off eggs for a friend. Here’s our text conversation last night:

Even good friends don’t want to get near each other right now. I had a fresh loaf of bread out of the oven and I told Vince I’d bring them some and he said “They probably don’t want to eat anything they didn’t cook.” and I agreed so I didn’t take it.
Next stop was the hardware store. Vince had ordered four bags of potash for the garden and it was delivered to Ace Hardware. They advertise that they have curbside service. Ughh . . that didn’t go well. We called when we got there. Waited 20 minutes. I called and told them we were going to have to leave because we were going to miss our grocery pickup. It isn’t Walmart and this store has few employees and I didn’t want to have them waiting on us. They finally found our potash and brought it out and then made Vince get out and sign the receipt. What about social distancing did they not get? It was an older lady and she was kinda mocking Vince for being so cautious. Don’t think we’ll be going back there.
The grocery store was great. My “shopper” had texted me about needing to change our butter to a different brand and she let me know the expiration date on the milk was 4/13 and wanted to know if that was ok. When we got there, I texted her to tell her we were there. We opened the back of the SUV and in less than 5 minutes, she was out with our groceries, put them in the car, nothing to sign, no contact, and we were on our way.

Everything that could be washed was put on this little “shelf”, sprayed with Clorox water, wiped down, then taken to the faucet and rinsed off, then wiped down again. Then we washed our hands, changed our clothes and we’re back home . . maybe forever! 🙂
Dottie says
We definitely have to take the distancing seriously – sadly, some people still don’t get it. Our little town (population right at 2,000) had it’s first case confirmed yesterday, 2nd case confirmed today, several tests are still out for confirmation (one way or the other).
Debbie says
Great decon station! Good for you. People who mock have no idea how devastating this can be. Tell me about ginger! I can grow ginger in Texas?
Judy Laquidara says
YES! I found a blog post I did in 2015. I’m going to re-post it.
Erin says
I’m so glad you guys are taking social distancing seriously. My father is not taking it seriously—he went out 5/7 days last week! He’s making my mother so nervous and thinks she’s overreacting. I’m expecting right now so I’m distancing as much as I can and knowing there are people like my dad out there doing nothing to mitigate risk and putting high risk people like myself in danger really irritates me. I wouldn’t go back to Ace either of I were you.
Teri says
Would love to hear about the ginger and turmeric. Both are so good for us all. Was it hard to find the roots(?) to plant? Not even sure if they are roots! Thanks for any info!
Judy Laquidara says
I’ve been growing both for a while in pots. There’s a store in Abilene where I can buy fresh turmeric but since we’re not going to Abilene now, I ordered fresh turmeric for planting off ebay. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I might get to plant it and I’ll post pictures. For the ginger, I just buy ginger at the store and cut the little “nubs” off. I’ll take pictures of that too.
Anne says
I have a good friend who thought I was being silly for keeping myself and my nephew at home and not getting close to anyone.
She’s now on day three being sick with a bad headache, sore throat, and a cough and fever. She now believes that she should have stayed home!! She’s doing pretty well, seems to have a fairly mild case. But if she’d have listened to others she wouldn’t be sick right now.
Judy Laquidara says
I know! Chad was most unhappy with me when I didn’t go there for spring break and even less happy when I said no to going there to keep Addie when the schools closed. Just can’t risk it . . as much as I love them all.