Saturday we worked all day – in the garden, in the shop, doing things around the house. It was non-stop. Saturday night I told Vince . . tomorrow, let’s just sit – watch movies or knit . . no work! He agreed that was a good idea but it didn’t happen.
I got up and decided to make zucchini bread. I’m try to do something every day to make it special – a little celebration of sorts. I don’t want to be in a rut or have boring foods every day. We’re starting to run out of some things and having to make do. We won’t be hungry, at least not in the short term, but we may have some strange meals. So, anything really yummy is appreciated.
I told Vince . . I think I’ll make zucchini bread. He said “We have zucchini?” because he knows we hardly have any fresh veggies. I told him . . during the summer when we have so much zucchini, I shred it, put 2 cups in a bag, vacuum seal it and freeze it so we have it when we need it. He had no idea I do that and I think he was happy to know it.
This Zucchini Bread recipe is the one I’ve used for years. It makes two fairly big loaves. I will freeze one and we’ll eat one within the next few days.

I was lucky to have all the ingredients needed.

We had a slice last night for our dessert.
About the only thing we didn’t do yesterday was sit and watch movies or knit! That’s ok. We stay busy and that gives us a sense of accomplishment and takes our minds off the troubles of the world.
montanaclarks says
We too stay busy every day all day. My dear husband does not know how to sit still. I’ve been sitting some, resting my cranky knee but mostly doing stuff and cooking–always the cooking. We are taking a drive today–by ourselves into the mountains of Arizona–social distancing ourselves from the news.
Judy Laquidara says
Getting away and enjoying natural beauty is a great activity. I think we’re going to take a drive this week and see the bluebonnets blooming.
Paula Nordt says
I know you have probably told us this before, but what is your favorite bread loaf pan? I need to order some since I have started trying to make some of the bread recipes you share. Thank you! Made the No Knead Harvest Bread yesterday. Is it also freezable?
Judy Laquidara says
My favorite is the Lodge loaf pan. It’s a small pan and I’m not sure they make a larger loaf pan. I also like the Pullman pans that have straight sides and a lid. Makes a perfect bread for slicing for sandwiches. Otherwise, I like a heavy loaf pan and one that’s easy to clean – no weird corners or “bumps”.
As far as freezing bread, I have frozen breads of all sorts and while they are ok, I find that they get more dry and crumbly after having been frozen.
Susan Nixon says
Those look like really long loaf pans. I usually use glass ones. But I haven’t made any bread in a bazillion years, and probably won’t be starting this weekend, either. =)