I just placed our first ever online grocery order. It will be a week before we can pick it up and Vince said “That’s too long! I’ll jut go to Aldi one of the morning they’re open early for senior citizens.” I said “No you will not . . unless you want to live in the greenhouse for 14 days!”

There’s nothing on there we couldn’t live without. We have plenty of dry milk. I can live without celery and cilantro. I have been out of celery for a whileVince uses heavy cream in his coffee and I wanted to make Pioneer Woman’s Tomato Soup recipe. We have butter but I’m not sure how long before we run out. Baking takes butter, eating warm homemade bread takes butter. We have freeze dried bananas so we aren’t hurting for bananas. I had wanted blueberries but they were out of fresh and all the frozen ones were only to be picked up in the store.
With my dislike of shopping, and Vince’s propensity to bring home at least one of everything in the store, this online shopping/curbside pickup may become my preferred way of shopping.
Heather Sedlacek says
I did a Walmart order this way last week. As someone who isn’t very fond of shopping I really enjoyed just driving up and loading it in. It does make you really have to think about what you need- I usually do a list but there are always a lot of things I dont remember I needed until i walk by them in the store!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes! We go in Aldi for one thing and honestly spend $100 or more every single time. It was nice that I spent about $40 on groceries. Of course, you have to remember . . according to Vince, we get enchilada sauce every day! 🙂
Emma says
Don’t forget carrots, didn’t you need some of those?
Judy Laquidara says
I did think I was out of carrots but found two 2 pound bags in the fridge. By the time those are gone, I’ll have carrots coming out my ears in the garden. Thanks for the reminder though.
Linda in NE says
My daughter’s part-time job is as a shopper at Hy-Vee. She’s one of those who get together the online orders. Now that hours have been cut back at her full-time job as a receptionist at a cardiology clinic she’ll probably be working more at the store. I worry about her exposure there but people have to have supplies.
Judy Laquidara says
I worry about all the folk working around the public but am thankful for those who are doing it.
Gale says
I did one order through instacart, but was only mildly pleased. I had to stay on the phone with him the entire time he shopped as he could find almost nothing I requested and a lot of things I know the store carries were not even listed as possible choices. At least I got my wine and coffee creamer, so I can survive.
Judy Laquidara says
I did it through Brookshires, a local store and did it directly through their website. We have to go to the store, call and they’ll bring it out to us so I’m hoping it will be halfway ok. Since we can’t pick it up til a week from now, I’m hoping some of the panic buying will have stopped and we’ll actually get what I ordered.
Liz says
Since my county has some cases, I am under a “safer at home” order since I am over 65. The suggestion lasts until 4/30. There are other restrictions (non-essential businesses are closed, restaurants are carry-out, small groups, etc)..
So far, I am set on stuff, but I’ll do the early shopping when it is necessary. Or, I could order online at the local stores and pick up. I’m keeping track of things when I use the last bit and I’ll venture out when I run out of eggs, sour cream and a few other items.
We are lucky since we have many options to get things now vs even 10 years ago.
Stay healthy everyone…..
Judy Laquidara says
Since we’ve been in close to three weeks, and it’s been three weeks today since we bought groceries, milk and cream were about the only things we needed. We ran out of milk yesterday but we don’t mind the NIDO full fat powdered milk so I used it this morning and for yesterday’s yogurt. Vince will use evaporated milk for his coffee if he empties the last carton of cream before we pick up or order. Since I use yogurt in place of sour cream, we won’t run out of that, and certainly not eggs.
There are three confirmed cases in our town! Several others are suspected but don’t meet the criteria for testing . . which I think is ridiculous. They’re being told to assume they’re positive and stay home. The numbers are nowhere near correct with that kind of tracking. I suppose in the end, it doesn’t really matter what the numbers are though. If someone has it . . they have it and there’s not much they can do unless they get serious enough to be hospitalized.
Rebecca in SoCal says
We, (well, John) tried shopping on-line..Bad experience! Once he figured out HOW to “put things in his cart,” he tried curbside pickup. Despite having TWO stores within a half-mile (seriously–they bought out another brand and kept the store going), they offered stores 15 to 30 miles away, and he couldn’t see how to put in OUR store (we even know the branch number). Then he tried delivery. Fat chance! He tried the next five days; none available. Then he tried pick up in store. The cart emptied, and there was no “order pending”. A lot of time totally wasted.
PattiLynn says
I placed my 1st order today at Walmart. I pick up tomorrow at noon. I’m a little confused tho, they’re supposed to email me when my order is ready, I’m supposed to go on the Walmart app and message them I’m on my way. They’ll bring it out when I get there. I don’t have the Walmart app….oops. I ordered on my computer, the app sounds like a phone? Oh well, if something can go wrong…it will! haha.
Judy Laquidara says
Never done it so I can’t help you.
Verna says
I pick up my mother’s groceries all the time from Walmart and don’t have the app. You can call them when you arrive, but most of the time someone is already outside and comes right over to help.
Sherry in NC says
That used to be my job when I was still working last year. I talked to one of the other girls on Wednesday and she said that order slots were filled up for at least six days out and they were usually out of about 75-80 percent of what people wanted. The warehouse is right down the road but they have to limit what they send to the store because of all the panic buying. I’m so glad I retired when I did.
Susan Nixon says
It does limit the impulse buying, doesn’t it? I have been going out to the grocery stores. Aldi has been pretty well stocked. None of them have been horribly busy, so keeping llama distance has been easy.