Every day I sit in the sewing room and knit. Boots is very affectionate and he will sit right next to me, or on me, and he’ll let me pet him. After a while, he’ll move away a bit. I think the constant movement from the knitting motion keeps him from sleeping. After about an hour, he’ll go sit in a windowsill and look out the window.

But, when I’m sewing, I think I aggravate the heck out of him. If I’m at the machine, he sits right on the edge of the sewing table. I did have my extended base on there but haven’t put it back on since we worked on all the machines the other day. Normally Boots will lay on the extended base. I need to get it back on there.
When I move to the ironing board, Boots comes too and he’ll sit right there, usually in the way, while I’m ironing. When I go back to the sewing machine, he follows along.
It’s when I go to the cutting board that he really gets in the way and I’m worried he’s going to get cut. If I’m cutting, I’m constantly watching his tail and his paws. It’s rare that he’ll go sit in the windowsill . . he just watches m every step of the way while I’m sewing. If Vince comes in and sits on the sofa, Boots will go sit with him.
I love him, more than I thought I would love a cat, but he can be so aggravating!
Duann Smith says
I LOVE the BOOTS stories. You have a treasure in there and a good buddy.
Judy Laquidara says
And he’s so sweet. I love him too.
Joyce says
Cats do like to “help”…LOL
Nelle Coursey says
Thank goodness you have Boots to love on!
Susan Nixon says
Yes, that’s a cat for you. Every single one of them.