In Missouri, we had dandelions everywhere. Almost every day during dandelion season, I’d go out and pick a handful for the chickens and they gobbled them right up. We’ve never had them here. Last year, I think I picked two or three dandelion flowers.
Over the weekend, when Vince was out cleaning the dehydrators, I was out talking to him and I looked down and noticed a bee in a dandelion flower.

Then, I noticed there were dandelions everywhere! I had not noticed the the day before.

I picked a dandelion bouquet. Really, it was just a handful for the chickens.

When I walk out to the chicken yard, they come running because they know I almost always bring treats. Not a single one of them would come up and take a dandelion out of my hand where my MO chickens would about take me down trying to get them. These chickens didn’t know what they were. I tossed them here and there. They looked at them but none of them were really excited about the flowers. Later I went out and they were all gone so I guess they decided they were safe to eat.
Maybe today I can pick more and see if they’re a bit more enthusiastic. I don’t want to pick too many . . leave enough to go to seed that we’ll have lots more next year.
Pat Peele says
Randyactually. Ordered seeds for several different kinds,some European. They are good for the bees and the soil. Some people love the greens. A friend actually found an immigrant family on his lawn picking the greens. He was happy to see them gone.
Ana Pirc says
I pick up dandelion greens for salads. Oil, apple sider vinegar, salt, pepper, thyme, garlic for dressing and sliced or crushed hot boiled potatoes, mixed all together, jummy.
Lots of vitamins!
Judy Laquidara says
The dandelions in our yard are hardly producing any greens and they’re really close to the ground. I used to use them for salads in MO but these hardly have any greens. Your dressing sounds great. I have one big can of boiled peanuts. Do you put the boiled peanuts on the greens or in the dressing?
Angie says
I am a dandelion lover, I live in a rural area and have about an acre or so, I have my own dandelion garden. these great flowers feed my bearded dragon.. and I am so sorry but I am the person that picks them when they are seed and blows them all over.. however I would not do it on someone’s beautiful garden or lawn. But these little flowers/weeds do not get enough credit around here in CA.thanks for the article.
Judy Laquidara says
In MO, before chickens, I detested them but after seeing my chickens fight over them, then reading how good the greens are for us, I also love blowing the seeds all of the place. I’ll never have a beautiful lawn here. It’s just weeds but . . even weeds are green sometimes and we’re learning that some weeds are very healthy so . . who needs grass? 🙂
Susan Nixon says
I love dandelions. They are pretty and bright, they are useful for many things, and the puff balls make me happy. If I lived in a ritzy neighborhood, my neighbors would NOT love me. =)