It’s so easy to get caught up in the craziness, especially when things in this old world seem to be spinning out of control . . or, at least . . out of our control. Too often I overlook how many good people are out there but this morning, there were two, and after hearing about them, I couldn’t hold back the tears, mainly because I’m so thankful they were there for Chad.
I had talked to a friend this morning and I asked her to pray . . told her that Chad was on the road and having car problems. I’m guessing that all the rest of this story transpired while she and I were praying.

Chad, Nicole and Addie have been in Louisiana for spring break. On their way down there last Saturday, Chad’s car started acting up. I don’t know if they went by an auto place and had it checked but somehow he determined it needed new spark plugs so he bought those. He has a friend in Louisiana who is a decent mechanic so Chad figured they’d do the spark plugs together but one of the spark plugs was stuck. They tried to get it out but couldn’t. They had another mechanic friend come look at it and he couldn’t get it out either and they all knew the problems that could occur if they broke that spark plug off while in the engine, so they changed the remaining spark plugs and Chad planned to get it in to the Chevy dealer. But, yesterday it started messing up again. He was hoping he’d make it home today with it but they had been on the road about two hours when the engine light came on and then began blinking.
Good Person #1:
Chad has a friend back in MO who is a really good mechanic. Chad called him and he told Chad if the light was blinking, he needed to get it looked at. Good Guy #1 told Chad he’d go ahead and hook up is auto trailer to his truck and be ready to come get Chad if he couldn’t get the car fixed.
It’s a good 10 hour, probably 12 hours, from where Good Guy #1 is to where Chad is. That’s super nice that he would take that much time from his family and trying to get a house built to come do that for Chad.
Nicole got on the phone to find an auto parts place and they found an O’Reilly’s about 15 miles from where they were so they went there.
Good Person #2:
While Chad had the hood up on his car, a guy came by and asked if he needed help. The guy turned out to be a heavy equipment mechanic and he knew exactly how to get the spark plug out. They got it out, got it changed, ran the computer and got the check engine light turned off. Chad offered to pay the guy and he wouldn’t accept payment. Chad found out he’s a hunter, got his address and is going to send him a duck call that Chad makes and sells. Chad told him if he wants to come up to MO and hunt deer, Chad has a place and can take him hunting. The guy was really happy about that! They exchanged phone numbers and about half an hour after Chad got back on the road, the guy called to make sure the car was still doing ok.
I think both of them have a new friend!
It’s very nice to hear that there are good people who don’t just say “Call me if you need something” but jump right in and are ready to help – to do anything they have to do to help. I want to be that kind of person and I want those kind of people as my friends, and the people who cross my path.
They still have a long way to go so I’ll be very happy to hear that they’ve made it home. We never stop worrying about our kids.
Ava says
Great feel good story. There are some really caring people around. I will pray with you for your kids safe trip home. I went to Sam’s which is just a couple of miles from me and there were lots of cars coming and going, buying extra groceries just in case. Everyone was so polite and helped each other. One woman was getting eggs which she had to step in and reach into the back of the fridge for and there was a line behind her so she started handing them out for the lined up folks. That was nice. I went back today to pick up groceries for my kids coming to the city and Sam’s employees were busy restocking shelves and cleaning all hard surfaces.
Our world may seem crazy right now but I believe we will get through this and learn some things in the process.
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, I’ve seen kindness in the stores too. We haven’t been out in a while so I’m glad we’ve missed most of the craziness.
Dottie says
What a WONDERFUL story (not about the car trouble, but about GOOD people). I got teary reading this. With so much BAD news out there, reading this makes one hopeful that there is MORE good than bad, we just don’t hear it as often. Thanks for sharing.
Judy Laquidara says
Thank you. I was sitting here feeling like a wimp, trying to tell Vince what happened and bawling. He said “Why are you crying?” I said “I don’t know!” 🙂
Helen B says
When things look so glum and times seem unbearable, I try to remind myself that though evil lurks around every corner but angels are EVERYWHERE!
Pat says
There has always been good people out there and always will be. I meet them almost every day. The media just keep telling us about all the bad till we begin to believe that is all that is left. Be kind to the next person who just needs a little lift.
Judy Laquidara says
It isn’t the media because we don’t have much on our tv without cable. The bad are just out there for real. Some small – some big. On the road we live on, it’s vandalism to mail boxes . . which isn’t a huge deal but most of the people out here are older and it is a big deal to have to replace a mail box four or five times a year. It’s package theft off front porches that is so common. It’s rude people in stores. But, you’re right. There is a lot of good and I know I don’t notice it as much as I should. We go in the store and we remember the rude person who parked in the middle of the aisle or is cursing at their child, but we don’t remember the nice man who noticed I couldn’t reach something on the top shelf, walked over, got it and handed it to me. That happens pretty often. We are surrounded with nice people where we live. Our mail lady, the UPS and Fed Ex drivers, the guy who delivers our propane, a couple of really good friends. I think I’m always kind . . I do try to be.
Laura says
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying it isn’t the media. Years ago I worked for a newspaper in a medium sized town. We reported on both the good and the bad. Most of us were just trying to do a good job and report the news accurately. Of course there are the bad apples, but there are good people too. Thanks again.
Linda B says
Thank you for sharing this story with us. We all need some good news to carry us through this difficulty. While this crisis might bring out some bad in some people, hopefully it will bring out more good and bring our nation back together. We really do all need each other. Praying for your kids and Addie to arrive safe and sound at home.
Judy Laquidara says
Thank you, Linda. They should be home in a little over an hour. I think too often, at least for myself, we see and recognize the bad but the good goes unnoticed. I need to pay more attention to all the good around me, pray for those who do the bad things and definitely not dwell on the bad.
vivoaks says
Don’t you just love it when things like this happen? It will always brighten your day to hear stories like this! Thanks for sharing!
Judy Laquidara says
Yes, and to think . . of all the places the car could have done that . . they had a 12 hour drive and it happened right there where there was a nice, knowledgeable man who helped.
Sandi B says
So happy to see all the little miracles we’re surrounded with every day. Thanks for sharing!
Denise Ramsay Porter says
A couple weeks ago I experienced a similar thing. I was finishing moving and my truck died about 30 minutes from my destination in the middle of a snow storm. Meanwhile my Dad was dying in hospital. Had to abandon the truck on the side of the road. Very first truck coming my direction stopped and picked up my son and myself. They were going to drop us off at a casino about 10 kilometers north so I could have family pick us up. But when they found out about my Dad, they said they were going to the city anyway and they took us right to the hospital. Such a blessing – two 60 something men. Salt of the earth people! And my brother had a motor club card so he got the truck towed. After Dad had passed away the next morning, my brother took me to the Canadian Tire (where the car had been towed to) and they had the part and fixed my alternator. It all worked out. Such a blessing how every detail was taken care of. Glad Chad got help too!
Kathleen says
Thanks for sharing good things. One of the reasons I read your blog is that it’s positive. Humor and heartfelt tales. I discovered your blog due to quilting but have stayed due to your great writing and fun stories.
danielle says
There are always angels around there, we often just don’t know it. We found ours when the axle to our trailer broke many decades ago!
Sherry in NC says
This post made me cry also. Good people are all around us if we look. Just yesterday here in NC someone posted on Instagram about a NC police officer that was sitting in the median sharing a pizza with a homeless woman. He bought her lunch and sat talking to her because he said that they have stories to share if you just listen. What a wonderful human being. Praying for your family to get home safe and sound.
Judy Laquidara says
That’s so sweet. I’m sure it made such a difference to her.
Diana G says
There are some very kind people out there in the world and I call them angels . They arrive when you need them the most to help you out in life. They are so kind and all I can say to them is thank you for your help!
I have some of nicest people come into my life to help me out in the last five years (after 37 years of in law toxicity of our 42 year marriage) to make my life more bearable and good. I have in turn paid that forward and will continue to do so to those who need help.
Bless those who have helped Chad, Nicole and Addie along the way home on their journey. Bless those who have helped others in their journeys also ….
Susan Nixon says
Miracles really *are* happening every day!