Yesterday Vince woke up wanting to go to town and get plants for the garden. Normally, I would start the seeds in the greenhouse and have nice, sturdy little plants by now. We had planned to go to MO this week for two or three weeks and I knew little seedlings wouldn’t survive without being watered every day so I didn’t bother to start the seeds. Now that we’re not going to MO, we have no plants.
So, I agreed . . we’d go to town today and get plants. As always, we planned a small garden. I was thinking I’d use those big tubs that Vince got from the feed store. We were thinking we could put three peppers in a pot and three tomatoes in each pot so I was going to have maybe four pots of tomatoes and two pots of peppers.
Why can’t we have a small garden?

We came home with 42 tomato plants, 32 pepper plants, 2 sage plants and a thyme plant. I wanted eggplants but didn’t see any of those.
We’re probably not going to plant anything until after the weekend. We have a chance of thunderstorms Friday and we generally have some pretty wild hail storms in the early spring.
I’ll plant yellow squash, zucchini, some kind of pumpkin, okra and luffa from seeds and I’ll find eggplant plants soon. The okra and luffa will not get planted for probably another month. Both of them like really warm soil.
I doubt we plant any beans this year so I guess our garden still will be smaller than normal.
Susan Nixon says
You’ll be happier with a garden than without. =)
Judy Laquidara says
You’re right. I can’t even remember the last time I didn’t have at least a small garden.
Nelle Coursey says
Sometimes smaller is better.