There are possibly quite a few of us who need to find a way to relax, let go of the cares of the world.
First, I’ll tell you . . I am not worried about the coronavirus. I prefer to stay at home, stay away from people but honestly, that’s kinda how I feel every day, with our without a disease threat. We are in the 60+ age group, I have no pre-existing condition and feel like I’m relatively healthy.
It is easy to get caught up in the virus rat race. We rarely turn the TV on but when we do, the virus is just not what I want to hear every time we turn the TV on.
This evening, I went out and took a walk. I took some of the weeds the chickens like and went out and sat and talked to them for a while. They aren’t concerned about anything .. just happy being chickens. Once they began making their way into the coop for the night, I walked around outside til it got dark.

The sunset was gorgeous.

The fruit trees are blooming and it looks like we could have a good year. There’s still a lot that can happen but hail is our biggest threat now.

There’s peaches, apple, pluot and pluerry trees all have blooms.

There are heavy burdens on our shoulders these days but there’s also joy and there’s beauty, and there’s goodness and kindness. Please don’t let the problems of the world get you down, even if you have to look a little harder to find the joy and beauty that surround us.
Joyce says
Your first sunset photo looks like a painting! Just gorgeous!
Dottie says
Thanks for sharing! Beautiful sky and flowering fruit trees.
teri says
Thank you for this reminder!
Rebecca in SoCal says
Pluot, pluerry (that’s new to me)… A friend told me the other day of a “plumon” or “plemon.” I just looked it up, and it appears not to be a hybrid, but a variety of plum that looks rather like a lemon and has a bit of a lemony taste. I saw, but did not peruse, references to health benefits. I’m going to look out for them now.
I find joy in learning about new fruits!
Judy Laquidara says
I honestly can’t remember. These are new trees for us. I think the Pluot is plum/apricot and pluerry is plum/cherry.
Rebecca says
I’ve actually eaten a pluot. I haven’t eaten many fresh apricots, but I remember the pluot as pretty good.
I looked up pluerry, and that’s what I found: plum/cherry. Hope you get to try your fruits before the birds get them all!
Judy Laquidara says
I’m anxious to see if we get fruit this year. Our apricot trees have been planted about 7 years (three trees) and we’ve had one apricot! So, I’ve learned not to get too excited about fruit production!
Susan says
I found a quote online that is good to see once in a while. (Sorry I don’t know who to credit.)
Choose Joy. When you choose joy you feel good and when you feel good, you do good and when you do good it reminds others what Joy feels like and it just might inspire them to do the same. Yes we all have issues in our lives but just look at those sunset or the spring blossom pictures and it is hard to not see/feel joy. Have a great day.
Judy Laquidara says
Great quote!
Arrowhead Gramma says
Lovely post and photos. Susan’s quote is something we should all think about every day and put into practice.
Elaine/MuddlingThrough says
Amen! I could not agree more.
Verna says
Your photos brought me joy!
Nelle Coursey says
Your pictures are beautiful!! There is always beauty everywhere around us. My mother always said your days are numbered like the hairs on your head and only God knows when your time will be.
Susan Nixon says
I agree completely. I took a minute to get some sunrise pictures yesterday when I had to be up at that time. They looked a lot like your sunset. =) I’m so glad to see your blossoms!
Eileen says
Thank you! Great reminder!