We go through many changes through the years with our eating habits. For so many years, breakfast was ready by 6 a.m. Chad was then off to school; Vince was off to work. Then Vince came home about 11:30 for lunch. Then we had dinner pretty much on the dot at 6 p.m.
Once it was just Vince and me, we stopped having big breakfasts except on weekends.
Now that Vince is retired, and after months of doing Keto, my preference, on or off Keto, is eating one meal, about 3 p.m. It can be a big breakfast or it can be a regular meat/veggies type meal. Nowadays, maybe due to the diet or maybe because of being older, I can’t eat so much and feel better when I don’t eat so much.
Yesterday morning, as soon as I got out of bed, Vince said “Can we have a big breakfast?” I said “Yes, but that’s the only meal I’m going to cook today.” Vince said “I knew that’s what you were going to say!” 🙂
Vince: I want more of those good biscuits you made.
Me: I can do that!
Vince: And grits.
Me: OK.
Vince: And ham.
Me: You know I don’t like ham!
Vince: Fix bacon for you and ham for me.
Hmmmm . . I need a bigger stove.

I was running through my head . . which pot for this and which pot for that and which burner for each.
Back left – grits
Back middle – skillet for the biscuits to be cooked in the oven
Back right – Vince’s ham
Front left – eggs (because that’s my slickest pot)
Front right – my bacon
OK . . we have a plan. I can do this.
Rita gets a scrambled egg – every morning, even if we don’t have breakfast. I cook her egg first so it can cool.

Made the biscuits using Pioneer biscuit mix but my friend’s recipe called for sour cream and Half & Half. Last time I made the biscuits (which was the first time using Blake’s recipe), I didn’t have sour cream so I used homemade Greek yogurt and Half & Half. Yesterday I had neither yogurt or sour cream so I used kefir – just baking mix and kefir. That worked too.

My breakfast – bacon, 2 egg yolks, grits and my biscuit was on a saucer.
Vince was happy. He got his big breakfast. Despite what I said and what he expected me to say, I did make mushroom soup for dinner and fixed a chicken sandwich for him.
Nelle Coursey says
Looks yummy!!
Susan Nixon says
That looks tasty! I like bacon … but I also like ham. And sausage. I like pork. =)