This morning I was trying to write a blog post on the iPad, which I never do. I cannot type on my phone or the tablet without making mistakes. Add in auto correct . . it’s a good thing I read it before hitting “publish”.
Oh . . I was speaking and the tablet was typing and it has never liked my accent. The post was about socks. When I said “heel”, it wrote “hill”. There was another word that I can’t remember now but for “foot”, I won’t even tell you what it typed! It’s a word that had it slipped through, I would probably have been banned from my own blog! 🙂
I laughed and told myself . . I make enough typos and mistakes using the computer. I will not type a blog post on the phone or tablet again!
Jen says
Oh funny! I have sent some pretty funny texts that I didnt proofread first.
w jordan says
I hate auto correct to me it makes doing anythings take to long. It never puts what I want. It comes up with words I can’t imagine how it did it. And the way our brains work if the first and last letter is correct we/our brain over looks that it as being wrong then we hit the button and low and behold very wrong word or words. I’m gong to get Granddaughter to show me how to turn it off.
Nelle Coursey says
OOPS!! Glad you caught it in time!
Susan Nixon says
That’s why I turn auto correct off on my phone. I’m taking no chances! Usually if I type hooe instead of hope, the person knows what it is from context.
Judy Laquidara says
I can turn it off?? Now you tell me. Now I have to figure out where to do that. Thanks!