How many days has it been? Five! Today is Day #5. Sunday will be the end of the first week. We’ve actually stayed home almost two weeks.
Don’t think that because we’re not going out, that we’re not shopping! 🙂

You can guess the Dell box wasn’t for me but the Walmart boxes . . I bought the stuff but it’s all for us.
Aldi used to have grits and they haven’t had them in ages so I ordered grits, Wheat Montana flour (two – 10 pound bags = 20 pounds of flour!). Also, I keep powdered milk. We don’t drink it but if there was ever a time we didn’t want to leave the house (say . . some weird virus!) and ran out of fresh milk, I could use it for cooking and maybe for cereal.
Here’s a funny story. Remember when Y2K was coming and people were saying the grid was going to go down and we’d never be able to buy food again? I bought powdered milk and thought surely if I’d mix it up, put it in a jar, like I often kept our milk in, Chad would use it on his cereal and never notice the difference. I had to try it before the actual New Year’s Day and the worst of the worst happened . . that, thankfully didn’t happen!
Chad was 11 or 12 at the time. He sat down to eat breakfast. I wouldn’t even look at him. After a few bites of cereal, he looked at me and said “All I have to say is this cow drank too much water!” I almost couldn’t contain my laughter. Of course, Vince was looking at me like he wanted to say “I told you he would notice!” but thankfully Vince didn’t say anything.
Anyway, I ordered two different types of powdered milk – one whole milk and one non-fat, simply because the non-fat has an expiration date of 2039, whereas the one with the fat will only last about a year as far as drinking but it will be fine for cooking many more years if I store it in the freezer. It may all get tossed some day but it’s a small price to pay to know I’d be able to have “milk” in a crunch.
Linda B says
Very good ideas. I went out and bought surgical masks this morning. Don’t know if it will help if we have an outbreak but helps me to worry a little less.
Susan Nixon says
I have milk from the church storehouse that will last many years, and it tastes decent, too. Thrive also makes a decent tasting powdered milk, but it costs way more and the shipping is awful. I usually store evaporated milk for emergencies, because I don’t mind the taste at all.
Susan T says
When we lived in the far north, powdered milk was the best solution. My kids got used to it, and when we visited family, they thought that the milk tasted funny, and didn’t seem as cold when they enjoyed a glass full! I still keep it in the house, as my favourite bread recipe calls for powdered milk.
Judy Laquidara says
That is so true. Whatever we’re used to having/using – that’s normal and everything else is weird.
April Reeves says
Ha! My kids were much younger when I was out of milk one day so I tried to pull the whole powered milk switcharoo on their cereal. They knew something was seriously wrong immediately and I had to fix a different breakfast.
Judy Laquidara says
Kids these days are way too smart!