The sleeves are now separated from the body and that’s making this project move along a bit more quickly.

My goal is to get at least the body done, up to the ribbing. That will mean all the cables are done. I’m finally back in a rhythm and don’t want to have to get that going again so I’m hoping not to put this down til I’m to the point of having the cable parts finished.

The pattern suggests knitting to about 14″ below the armholes. I’ve knitted about 3″ below the armholes. I’m not sure I want my sweater to be that long because with the 3″ of ribbing, that will make a 17″ long sweater. Not a decision I have to make today.
If you look at the green pins, those are marking various points. The one on the front cables shows where I started knitting when I picked this project up 3 or 4 days ago. I’ve knitted 11″ and that included all the increase rows, getting the rhythm going again, and knitting the sleeves. Splitting them off took about 90 stitches off the needles.
With a halfway decent amount of knitting time, I could have the cable parts finished by the end of the weekend. Then I’ll just have the ribbing, the sleeves, which are plain, and the front button bands and this project will be finished.
Stitchin in MI says
The color and texture are gorgeous.
Stephani in N. TX says
Love that combo of cables and texture stitch, guess that’s the back. Beautiful. I saw a few interesting things on the Miss Babs newsletter today. My knit shop is doing a class in a nice colorwork sweater. I need to graduate to something new and that looks tempting. Turns out the designer is the same as your Fern and Feather sweater.
Amy (Waunaknit) says
Love the cables and the color.
Susan Nixon says
And it’s red!
Dottie says
Nelle Coursey says
VERY pretty.
Betty Edwards says
You are really getting after those UFO’s! I have trouble getting back to the one project I have going. I have never made a sweater and this crochet pattern is very simple. I have body made and I started the sleeves got almost done and the stitch count was way off. So ripped back and started over….I am stuck there!
I will,have to,get back to it or it will,be next year before I can wear it!
But you are an inspiration Judy! Thanks!