Yesterday, our trip for toilet paper was quite productive.

Three packs of thin sliced center cut pork chops, 4 packs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and 4 packs of ground turkey.
The Turkey
Each package was a bit over 2 pounds and each package was $6.49. Four packages was $23.89, and with the $2 off stickers, the total was $17.96. I use one pound of ground turkey in Rita’s dog food so instead of paying approximately $3.25 per pound, I paid $2.25 per pound. I divided each package in half and that will be enough to make 8 batches of dog food. I also use a pound of chicken livers and other ingredients in the dog food.
The Pork Chops
The pork chops were thin sliced. The total sticker price was $25.41, take off the $2 stickers so I paid $19.42 for 28 pork chops, or 69 cents per chop. I repackaged those into 4 packs with 7 pork chops in each pack. Vince will probably eat 2 and I’ll eat 1 so whatever I make with these, we’ll have enough for two meals, even with a little leftover so that’s 8 dinners from the pork chops.
The Chicken
There were four packages of chicken, three breasts in each package. The sticker price came to $23.89, less the $2 stickers and we paid $15.89.

I don’t like the super thick chicken breasts so I cut them all in half to make them thinner. I packaged them, 3 breasts, or 6 pieces per package. Vince will eat 2 pieces and I’ll eat 1 so whatever I cook with the chicken, we’ll get 8 meals from that.

Counting the chicken and pork chops that we’ll eat, we paid $43.31 and the 16 meals we get from these packages, the meat will cost us an average of $2.71 per meal. Of course, there will be other ingredients that go into our dinners but those $2 off stickers at Aldi really bring the price per meal way down for the two of us.
We are so thankful to have an Aldi here in our little town.
vivoaks says
I LOVE Aldi’s but now that I’m retired it’s a real chore to get me out of the house and to the store! 🙂 I just don’t like to go shopping!! In the winter it’s even worse…I’d just as soon stay in the house the entire time. I hate the cold (10 degrees this morning at 6 AM) and I would rather hibernate than go outside! Even my little birdies and the deer aren’t enjoying me much this winter – I haven’t kept up with filling the bird feeders or putting out corn for the deer. But Aldi is my favorite store! I have 4 within about a 20-minute radius from home, so I have no excuse other than the one mentioned above! 🙂
Sara Fridley says
Great bargains. Our local grocery had meat on sale last week too – 5 packages of chicken for $25. It was mix and match – breasts, thighs, tenders, and all boneless. There were 6 big chicken breasts in a package and 8 thighs to a package. Pork chops and ground meat was also on sale but we’re pretty stocked up on those. I do appreciate having a freezer so I can stock up occasionally.
Tee says
Just think, millennials may go out to dinner 4-5 nights a week! As for me and my husband, we are like you, if I can cook it at home, I do. We can even be in our closest town (30 minutes from our house) at dinner time and still want to go home to eat at home.
Linda in NE says
You’re lucky to have a store with such good meat bargains. Deals like that are few & far between in my area….and a lot of meat gets raised in Nebraska.
Nelle Coursey says
That is a very smart way to buy. Wish I was as organized as you!
Ethelann says
We just bought boneless, skinless chicken thighs at Aldi’s for the first time. They weren’t discounted. I used them in the slow cooker for chicken and dumplings. They were some of the best I’ve had. We will be getting more meats at Aldi’s.
Susan Nixon says
That IS a good deal. With Jenny cooking for me, it’s about $10 per day for dinner for three of us, and there are always leftovers for lunch or midnight snack. Not quite as good as yours, but happy making for me.