Yesterday we had people in and out all day. We so rarely have anyone here but yet when I’m in MO, it seems like a revolving door, even when I was at the hotel. One day, I had five different people, most of whom didn’t even know each other, in the apartment. I met one of my neighbors and he came in and we chatted and exchanged contact information. The next day or so, I met the other neighbor. I just talked to him at the door. When he left, Addie said “Granny, you were rude!” I said “What?” She said “You didn’t invite him in like you did the other neighbor!” I guess it’s good that she’ll grow up to see the friendly side of me vs. the recluse side of me.
About 4 yesterday I told Vince . . I’m taking a nap. He said he was tired too but didn’t want to take a nap so I went to bed. About 8, he came in and asked if I was getting up or going to sleep through the night. I wanted to say . . sleep through the night if you hadn’t woke me up!
I got up and we were talking about how tired we were. I told him .. it wears me out having people in and out all day. He said he was just thinking the same thing. I didn’t have to do anything . . didn’t serve meals or clean or anything so why was I tired? Just old age and our routine was interrupted I suppose. People to pick up things; people to deliver things; people to work on the internet. On top of that, I think UPS came twice and Fed Ex came once. First thing in the morning, we had a video call that we both had to participate in; then the guy picking up things couldn’t find our house – GPS has it all wrong so we did the “send a ping” thing to his phone; then when the internet guy left, the VOIP phones weren’t working and Vince remembered we had to call the IP to get them to change that so not only were there people here but Vince probably spent close to two hours on the phone. It was a busy day for us – who usually don’t see or talk to anyone.
Only the internet guy had been here before and he remembered that he had to stop and pet Rita and talk to her or she’d bark the entire time he was here. She has to get her fair share of the attention.
cassews says
I can totally relate … Gimme peace and quiet … or my nappy time and I am happy !!!
Susan Nixon says
I’m fast approaching the point where I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything!