Last night I saw this on Facebook. Marcia shared it but I have no idea where it originated so, sorry for no credit.

I think you will all agree this is exactly how I tell a story. I often go back and take out half or more of the story when I’m trying to tell a story!
My last night in the hotel with Addie, as we were going to bed, she asked me to tell her a true story and then tell her a fiction story. Good grief. I can’t think of anything like that on demand.
I first told her about when I was her age and would spend my summers at my grandparents’ where they had old Spot, the milk cow, an occasional pig and chickens, along with Butch and Blondie, the cocker spaniels. The story went on and on and then I told her a story about a unicorn that kept coming to her bedroom window every night and wanting to talk to her.
I finally got my stories done and was fixing to go to sleep, when she decided she would tell me a true story and then she would tell me a fiction story. I thought her fiction story would never end and I had to giggle, thinking sometimes my blog readers probably think the same thing about my stories! 🙂
Dottie says
So funny and so true!
Susan Nixon says
I NEVER think that about your stories! I’m always interested in the details, so there can’t be too many. I think that’s more like How a Man Tells a Story vs. How a Woman Tells a Story – but I never apologize for my stories. LOL
Nelle Coursey says
I love reading your blog! So however you choose to tell a story, I like it!