I see peas!
They’re kinda hard to see with the shadow from the plastic fencing/trellis but they’re up and growing.
In the garden, the peas are showing their cute little heads, the carrots, lettuce, spinach and collards are up. The beets and kohlrabi are not up yet. There may be something else not up. Our big artichokes always look dead by the end of the summer but they’ve all sprouted new growth so I’m hopeful for having lots of artichokes this year.
We’ll never have a great garden here – bad soil . . no matter how much we add to the soil, the pH stays too high. We so rarely get rain and our well water has a high pH which doesn’t help the soil at all. The grasshoppers . . ugh . . they’re still out there but they’re sluggish and there aren’t many.
We do the best we can with what we have and feel lucky to get what we do get.