Yesterday our high was supposed to be 75 degrees. Today . . things change. I think our low tonight is going to be 21. Temps started out about 60 degrees and will drop through the day. Lots of north wind and drizzle will start soon.
Vince had been working on getting the garden to get it planted but just hadn’t quite gotten it finished so Saturday he worked on it and yesterday it was ready to plant.
I dug out all the seeds I thought would be good to plant, spread them out and we decided which ones and how much of each we wanted to plant.
I wanted to plant a few rows of snow peas. Vince puts T-posts in the ground and we use this plastic fencing for a trellis. A couple of years ago, we learned that no matter how close you put the T-posts, the little seeds sprout, the tiny little pea plants begin climbing up the trellis. Along comes one of our crazy winds and when that plastic starts moving, it uproots all the plants that have connected to the plastic. So, now, Vince puts additional T-posts along the ground, uses zip ties to connect the plastic fencing to the T-post and that stops the plastic from flapping and uprooting the plants.
The onions are starting to sprout.
You may have to really focus but the garlic has all sprouted and looks great.
I planted carrots in one raised bed. I made the rows, digging them way deeper than needed for planting just the seeds, added sand to make the carrots easier to pull or dig, then planted the seeds almost on top of the ground. Carrot seeds do not need to be planted deep at all.
In the other raised bed, I planted several different kinds of lettuce and spinach.
There was one row left by the onions so I planted beets there.
I planted the snow peas where Vince put up the trellis. Just south of the trellis, I planned several short rows of collards.
That left the keyhole garden. Vince had put some dirt in there from where they dug the base for the internet tower and while it looked nice and dark, it was way too lumpy so I’m not sure how it’s going to work. I planed more beets, collars, carrots. I’ll be surprised if anything grows in there. with that lumpy dirt.
Then a friend on Facebook said “You need to plant kohlrabi”. I knew I had kohlrabi seeds so I went over and got those and planted 8 or 10 seeds. I was pretty much out of room so had to put them wherever I could find an empty spot.
Now . . we wait and hope for the best.
justquiltin says
Stop planting things with the word “snow” in them. You plant snow peas but we get snow – I think it’s all your fault that it’s a blizzard here again this morning! LOL
Sheryl says
Donnie has tender greens, mustard, collards, turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and garlic. Now, if he can just keep the deer from eating it we might have something to eat. I can’t get him to put up fencing like you have but he just won’t do it.
Susan Nixon says
I’m glad you aren’t going all out for a garden. LOL I don’t think at my best, I ever planted that much. =)