Today I’ve been thinking. I’m sounding like Vince. He thinks all the time. Me . . not so much! I’m more of a doer and less of a thinker. I usually think after I’ve “done”, which often gets me in trouble – especially when the credit card bill arrives! 🙂
But what I’ve been thinking about today is how funny, in a weird way, life can be.
Earlier this year, when my favorite knitting online “group” went off on a political rant, I was done. I spent so much time on that site, and so much money there. Every morning when I woke up, usually before I even got out of bed, I’d look at the site, see what new patterns had been posted, what new posts were made in my groups. When I first said “no more!” I truly wondered if this would cause me to lose my love for knitting.
It’s now been a bit over two months since it all happened. I never did delete my account. I did withdraw from all the groups I had joined through the years. I left all my projects for reference. I’ve even added new projects because it is such a good resource/tool. I have not purchased a single new pattern there in two months. The only time I go back to the site is to update a project or check something on a project (what size needle am I using for this sweater?)
Today I realized how freeing it is to disconnect from, not only that site, but any site where I felt the need to be in constant contact. I have a heck of a lot more knitting time. I am working on finishing projects instead of starting so many new ones.
Likewise, I’ve lost interest in the games and knitting something just to get points. I’m knitting what I want to knit, without regard to whether it’s going to earn stars for my team, or whether it will count towards some milestone.
It struck me as funny how slowly I become connected to a site, whether it’s Facebook, a yarn shop, a yarn group, and then I’m obsessed with the site. I need to be more in control of my actions and not so quick to connect with such time wasters.
In the beginning of the “life after that group”, several other groups popped up. I joined a couple of them but never spent enough time there to find my niche so I think I’m going to stick with being a lone knitter – just do what I want to do, when I want to do it.
Two months ago, I never thought I’d be happy to be mostly disconnected from a site I had loved so much but I am happy and am enjoying my knitting so much more.
Tricia says
I’m glad to hear that your overall experience has ended-up being a positive one. When I first heard the news about That site, I immediately thought of how it would negatively affect you! I knew how much enjoyment that you got out of it, and I was glad when you were able to figure out a way to move your downloads off of it. It’s still a shame that a beautiful and communal hobby was turned into just another way to divide and politicize our every action.
Nelle Coursey says
I never got into groups with knitting except for the Common Grounds group. I still go to the site you are talking about, mostly from Pinterest posts. It may be wrong but I usually only get the free patterns! I am not much of one to buy patterns unless I can see it and read about it before hand. I get an email daily from a free pattern site and I have saved a lot of those. So glad you are doing well and getting some of your projects finished. I just don’t like pressure being put on me to finish something. I tend to lose interest if there is too much pressure to do it right away. I admire you for showing restraint. Vince must really be rubbing off on you! LOL You two make a perfect pair.
cassews says
Yep I am there with you Judy.. I even changed my spice site for another- we hear enough about the discontent of the Dems against the Repblicans. One can even go so far as to say hate for the current President. So get off the bandwagon run the country and move forward is my opinion on it all.
I disconnected from several sites -the whole thing just got to be too much for my widdle brain to handle any more. I guess that is what happens when ya tune out the news and put on the cartoons !! hehehee 🙂
Teri says
I agree wholeheartedly with what you are saying….I have much more time to knit and do other things….
dezertsuz says
Disconnecting is not easy, especially when it’s a social outlet, but I have to get over the idea that my involvement is eagerly awaited. =)
Linda in NE says
I think you made a good decision. It makes me feel better about not getting involved with groups that expect members to play along with all their little games, contests and encouragement to buy, buy, buy. I’m no longer in a book club because I want to read what I want, when I want. When I was in one it seemed like a couple ladies only wanted to read books with a religious bent and some others only wanted “intellectual literature”. Some of my choices didn’t go over so well. I have never gotten involved in quilt of the month blocks either so I guess I’m a lone quilter, lone reader and lone genealogist because there aren’t a lot of people around me who share my interests. Following the herd got tiresome a long time ago & it’s just very freeing to not do that, don’t you think?
Linda in Texas says
Amen all y’all! I was so fed up with the situation that I immediately deleted my account on the site (patterns and groups and everything else). I felt no remorse or sadness. In fact, I quite like the feeling of being my own self. I will check out Common Grounds and see what that’s about (so thanks for that tip!). I am so happy to have that whole negative experience out of my life and very glad to hear there are others like me (and you!).
Rebecca in SoCal says
I was always a wee bit baffled by your eager involvement in the contests and games, especially since they distracted you from your planned projects. But then, I’m not much of a team player or group identifier.
So you’ve “unplugged” another thing in your life. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of anyone regretting such a decision. Most people love the extra time it gives them. I know I spend too much time daily on social media (and, ahem, blog reading), but I do feel connected. Which is false, because except for the smallest groups, who notices whether I post or read or not?
Sometimes I think there is something I would like to change, and almost want something drastic to happen to force a change. Like the political stuff was for you!