So much help; so little progress. Boots is a rascal and, as almost always happens when I overstay my welcome in his room, or after about 10 minutes, I end up with him biting and me bleeding and then I grab my spray bottle of water and one little squirt and he finds a place to spend his time without aggravating me.
First, he plopped himself down right in front of the computer screen and was hanging over the edge and about to fall off onto the computer screen.

How’s that for completely turning his back on me?
I got up to grab more yarn and he took over my chair.

Look at that attitude. He had no intention of moving and when I picked him up, that’s when he started biting, I picked up the water bottle and he was gone before I got a good squirt off. He knows exactly what that water bottle does and he doesn’t like it.

I spent several hours working on the yarn and this is what I accomplished. One full tub of fingering weight and a partial tub of sport weight.

In my defense, I did get 113 entries done on the spreadsheet. If I could get about 90% of my yarn entered on this sheet, it would make it so much easier.
Spending this much time with the yarn is great. It makes me realize (1) I never need to buy another skein of yarn; (2) I love the yarn I have! I kept looking at it and thinking . . I’m going to put this one aside to make this or that but in the end, I convinced myself I was not in there looking for yarn but I was in there to get it organized so I tried to stay focus, along with wrangling a kitty!
justquiltin says
oh such lovelies……
Ava says
Lovely, lovely yarn! It will feel so good to get it organized.
I was watching a youtube video (about using a reciprocating saw) and the video was in this man’s workshop. He had a cat (helper) that looked a lot like Boots.
dezertsuz says
It looks really pretty, too. It’s good to become reacquainted with stash. =)
Nelle Coursey says
Looks like you have your work cut out for you!
Betty Edwards says
That seems like so much fun, I think you need to share it. I could travel over from Central Louisiana and we could really have fun in all that softness and color! lolo Wishing you well on your organization, it would certainly tell you what you have and where to find it!
April Reeves says
Is it possible to store it vertical instead of horizontal so as you open the lid, you can at least see the top of all of them? Marie Kondo trick! Your bin would have to fairly full for it to work but that doesn’t seem to be an issue you will have.