I’ve been trying to make a real effort to use leftovers. The sooner I use them, the better the chance they won’t get left in the fridge and then thrown out because they’re too old to use.
Tuesday afternoon we grilled portobello mushrooms and served them with caramelized onions, cherry tomato halves and a bit of balsamic and olive oil. I could only eat half my mushroom so I sliced up the leftovers, saved the onions and tomatoes but wasn’t quite sure how I’d incorporate them into another dish.

Yesterday morning I woke up and was thinking about breakfast and decided to make omelettes using the mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and add a chopped jalapeno so I sauteed the jalapeno in a bit of butter, then added the remaining ingredients to heat them up.

Breakfast was delicious and the leftovers were all used up.
Today’s breakfast is going to be steel cut oats with strawberries and blueberries. The oats are supposed to be good for lowering cholesterol, whereas the bacon and eggs . . probably not so good for lowering cholesterol.
Tony Bogusz says
As a long term hypercholestemic person, back in the late 1980’s I tried the combination of 3 grams of niacin (not niacinimide) per day and oat bran muffins. Oat bran has more water soluble fiber than does plain oats or oatmeal and thus has better serum cholesterol absorption and elimination capabilities.This was the recommended regiment in Robert Kowalski’s book: “The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure”.
I will tell you from this long experience that the niacin does most of the “heavy lifting”, but for me it caused terrible hot flashing (especially on my torso and lower legs), plus it triggered EXTREMELY PAINFUL week-long gout attacks due to niacin megadose’s (3000mg is a lot) propensity to raise uric acid levels. This made walking at work really difficult. All this to drop my cholesterol from 240 to 160.
Time release niacin stops the hot flashing, but the beeswax component that allows the niacin dose to leech out slowly poisoned my liver with a chemically induced hepatitis-like condition. A cholesterol of 137 was not worth throwing my liver enzymes up into the thousands, and making me sick as a dog. Stopping everything but the oat bran turned this around in a few weeks and I began to feel healthier in days. Another blood test showed that oat bran alone only drops the cholesterol by about 10-15 points. One will grow fatter eating that many oats than the minuscule drop in cholesterol provides.
So, I’ve been a long term statin user for several decades. My cholesterol hovers at about 160-170. I eat peanut butter and other mono-saturated fats (like EVO) to keep the HDL high enough. Beware of the fats one’s allowed to eat on Atkins or Keto. They’ll drive up the triglycerides. It’s a difficult ballet or balance to find what diet components will work the best for you. Nothing is one-size-fits-all, as the “gene-pool card hand” dealt out to each of us disallows this.
I also haven’t had the side effects some people get from statin therapy, so I suppose I’m one of the lucky ones.
Your own “mileage” may vary. (Sincerely…good luck with finding what works for you and Vince.)
dezertsuz says
Very creative use of leftovers. =)