Easterly is the name of the sweater I’m test knitting for Laura Aylor. I’m not sure I’ve said the name of it already.
One thing I have been saying is that every day I think . . today will be the day I separate the sleeves from the body. Once that happens, the progress seems to speed up. I’ll be taking about 1/4 of the stitches off and will not be having to remember which rows are increase rows so the knitting goes faster.

There should be only three or four more rows to knit before the separation but I’ll try it on when I get those rows done and be sure I’m at the right spot to separate the sleeves. My row gauge is a bit off and I don’t want the armholes to be too tight so I’ll try it on and if it’s right, transfer the sleeves stitches to the waste yarn and proceed to knit the body.
There’s about 14″ of body length to be knitted so that’s going to take a few days. I doubt I can do more than 2 or 3 inches per day. My goal, as of today, is to finish the body by Monday or Tuesday.
Wanda Jordan says
I don’t understand taking off he sleeves. What does that mean i? How does that work ? Could put do a video for dummiesand show us? I just love that door It is my favorite I call it frog green because it reminds me of cute little free tree frog. I wear hat color slot myself put it with so many colors by purple my favorite
dezertsuz says
Best of luck with your goal. To be fair, you did have a lot of interference this week!