When it gets dry in the summer, the ground cracks. I try to keep the yard in front of the house, where we walk Rita, watered so her little foot doesn’t go down in a crack and break her leg. The cracks will get pretty big if we don’t get some rain or I water them.

Usually I use a sprinkler but yesterday, the hose from the solar well was up near the house. That well is only solar powered. No pump. No batteries. If there’s no sun, there’s no water. It was a bit cloudy so there wasn’t a lot of water coming out so I just stuck the hose near a crack, would leave it 15 minutes, then go out and move it to another crack. I happened to be standing there and noticed something crawling out. I watched and in the short time I stood there, 3 scorpions and 9 crickets scurried out of that crack as it began to fill up with water.
We walk across the ground and never think about what’s right under our feet! That’s another reason to never go out barefooted here.
montanaclarks says
Good grief woman–you really do need to move to Arkansas! Or Missouri! 🙂 That’s downright creepy!
Nelle Coursey says
I grew up in the country and we never worried about that. LOL We wore flip flops in the summer and real shoes when it got cold in the winter. Except when I was working in the fields and then I wore an old pair of tennis shoes. The sand was really hot but if you dug your feet into it, it was a lot cooler. There is no telling what all is out there in the country. I just never thought about it. Just part of nature.
Judy Laquidara says
Even without the critters, there are enough grass burs to keep me from walking barefooted. Heck, I even wear flip flops inside because they get tracked in and get in our feet.
Kelly Richardson says
Time to move…LOL
dezertsuz says
Funny to think of them living together! Did you get the scorpions, or are you going to have to hunt them down?
Jeri says
I hear you on the cracks Judy! By the time I see them, I put the hose in them and they never seem to fill up with water. We did get a nice down pour here in Corpus today but it only lasted about 15minutes. It was funny seeing the neighbors all coming out on porches to watch the show of rain.
Paula Nordt says
Sometimes I stick a yardstick down in the cracks to see how deep they are. We have had no rain since our 12” inches of rain in less than 10 hours the middle of May. Anyway, we have some deeper than the yardstick!