I often show pictures or Rita sleeping in the car. The minute we start moving, she’s asleep and she will sleep in any position as long as she’s in the car.
The other day I snapped a picture of her awake.

She’s such a sweet girl. She never meets a stranger and she loves everyone she meets. Even though she’s an expensive little dog to keep, with all her meds, every day I’m thankful she chose us. I can’t imagine what kind of life she would have with some people. A couple of the houses we’ve looked at, I’ve told Vince . . no, because there would be no way to make it safe for Rita. Some houses on the lake have lots of lofts and levels and we’ have to put boxes everywhere or some kind of netting to keep her from falling . . just not something I want to deal with. The things we do for our pets!
Pat says
They are worth every penny and inconvenient
vivoaks says
She is very blessed that she found you before her sight went. She’d have never made it on her own out in the wild. I no longer have pets, but I know the things we’ll do for them!!
Nelle Coursey says
I agree but there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my pets. She is so pretty asleep or awake!!