We have 6 or 7 fig trees. There’s one big one that’s our massive producer, another that’s a good producer and the others don’t do much. Every year, the big fig tree has produced gallons and gallons of figs by the end of July and then it seems to take a break and by the end of August, we start getting ripe figs again and it continues to produce until the first hard frost.

It is loaded with green figs but here we are . . the middle of July, and there has not been one ripe fig on that tree.

I guess it was that late freeze that set it back so far or, maybe the fig tree knows about my low carb diet and is helping me out.
The other tree that usually produces has way more green figs on it than it’s ever had in the past but so far, no ripe ones either. We wait . . which is all we can do when Mother Nature is in control.
Donna Williams says
No one around here has fresh figs and I’ve not found one that can survive cold temps. One tree got a lot of green ones and they never ripened. It’s a sad story. I miss fresh figs. I’m happy for you though! You are able to get quite a few so that’s excellent.
Betty Petrea says
Don’t know where you live but here I have one tree and it is producing loads with more to come. Came in this month. 3 lbs just yesterday.
Elaine/MuddlingThrough says
I am so sorry! We have had ripe figs here for over a month now, but Houston is a lot hotter. What on earth do you do with all of them? I’ve canned enough to share with my sisters and brother and now other than what I eat every day – the birds are having a wonderful feast.
I am experiencing the same thing. I live in Georgia, and I have a large fig tree that normally cranks out gallons. Right now it is loaded, but they are all small and green. I too am on a low-carb diet, and do not get to eat them anymore. Funny says
I am experiencing the same thing. I live in Georgia, and I have a large fig tree that normally cranks out gallons. Right now it is loaded, but they are all small and green. I’m also on a low-carb diet, and do not get to eat them anymore. Funny
Jessie says
Same exact story for me in Atlanta-tons of green figs. I inherited the fig tree when I bought the house and this will be my first harvest (I hope!).
Betty Petrea says
I live in Augusta GA and have 1 fig tree. It is loaded and I have been harvesting for a week now with no end in sight.
Nelle Coursey says
I guess we just have to wait and see what is going on. This has been such a strange year with all the rain and late rain coming. I guess it has messed up everything.
Debbie says
I have a tree that is producing loads of figs in the green stage but I never get a ripe one! I get ones that are ripening and they are half eaten. Is it a racoon? a possum? (and I think the deer help with the ones that are higher when they reach over the fence. The tree has been stripped at the 4′ and below height. I have a dog that “harvests” all of my ripe tomatoes that are nose height. I’m wondering if he has developed an affection for figs too. :?/
Cee says
Hi! Just noticed everyone commenting about their Fig trees. I have 2 large trees in back…and they are loaded. I did see 1 ripe one 2 days ago, but it looks like the crows got to it. August is the time for these trees…first 3 weeks we get enough to eat and make delicious fig cakes!
dezertsuz says
I hope they do flourish, because you should get something from all the fruit trees in your yard. =)