You don’t have to tell me . . I know I’ve been a crybaby on the blog today. I don’t want to hear bad words! I don’t want to move! OK . . I’m fine . . I’m over it. I really do feel hopeful about getting a little house in MO.
After seeing those electric bills for the house in AR yesterday, Vince and I were saying . . we’re really spoiled. Yes, the solar panels were a big investment but they are right on target to return our total investment in not quite 8 years. After that, it’s all extra savings for us.
Vince asked about our recent electric bills so I went back and copied the ones that show up on the home page of our account.

Since February . . probably since about October, 2018, we’ve had a credit. Hmm . . looks like on the March bill we didn’t have a credit because our credit went down instead of up. We have to be a “net user”, meaning we have to use more kwh than we send back. It may not happen this year and I guess we go to electric company jail . . I have no idea what happens.
We always count on the bills in July – September to send us back into “net user” status. How we ended up with a credit this month, I’ll never know. We left the a/c on while we were gone because we knew we needed to use more kwh.
Last night, Vince said “Crank that a/c down and let’s use more kwh!”
Vince went to bed before I did. We decided to turn the a/c down to 66 while we were sleeping. When I went to bed, I was freezing. I kept getting over close to Vince for warmth . . first my feet, then my legs, then the rest of me.
Vince: What the heck are you doing? (Remember when husbands didn’t say that when the wife got close??)
Me: I’m freezing!
Vince: What is the a/c set on? I’m cold too.
Me: 66
Vince: You know that thermostat is 2 degrees off so it’s really 64 degrees in here.
Me: Why don’t you make it warmer? I’m too cold to get up and I didn’t bring my phone to bed. (I can change it with my phone.)
Vince: No . . get another quilt. We need to use the electricity.
We laughed — it’s the middle of July in Texas and we’re in bed freezing because we need to use more electricity. Then I said “We couldn’t be doing this if we lived in Arkansas!” We both laughed, fell asleep and when he woke up this morning and was getting out of bed before I did . .
Me: Please make it warmer in this house!
Vince: How much warmer?
Me: Put it on 73 please.
Vince: I’ll put it on 71.
Me: Then . . can you build a fire in the fireplace?
You know that didn’t happen. Could you see someone seeing smoke coming out of our chimney in July? They’d have us committed . .
Cilla says
Several summers ago we had a very cold day in Southern Seacoast NH so I lit the wood stove. Evidently a trucker called 911 to report smoke coming from the back of the house. We live in a very small agri town of perhaps 3,000 people. 2 firetrucks, 2 cruises and an ambulance arrive in my driveway. I’m in jammies and fuzzy slippers with coffee cup in hand going out to greet the crew. “Hello Boys, did you come for coffee? Don’t have donuts”. That incident went into the town report. Of course I’m active in town clubs and organizations so that’s all I heard for weeks. lol!
Nelle Coursey says
Or think your house was on fire!!
dezertsuz says
LOL, okay, but I remember Christmases in Phoenix where we had all the doors and windows open and built a fire in the fireplace. =)