Yesterday afternoon, the weather was so strange. We could hear thunder in the distance and I looked up and it was pouring rain on the left side of our front yard and not raining a drop on the right side. That went on for probably 10 minutes – big, huge drops with the wind blowing it sideways, just on the left side of the yard. After a few minutes, it began to rain all across the front but the left side remained heavy, with the right side just getting a drizzle. The rain gauge is on the right side of the yard and I think it showed .32″ of ain. I’m betting the left side of the yard got at least double that.

I couldn’t get a good picture of the rain but the trees look like they got the dust rinsed off them.
Then about 9 p.m., we could hear thunder again. We hurried up and took our showers because if the power goes out, we have no water. Then I decided I’d better go out and check for scorpions in case the weather stayed bad and I didn’t go out again.

I use a blacklight flashlight and that makes them glow.

I almost feel bad for them. No hiding from a black light!
That’s about as exciting as it gets around here . . going out scorpion hunting on hot nights.
Tony Bogusz says
I’m not fond of any scorpions, but your photo shows a black scorpion. They’re a little bigger than the beige bark scorpions that inhabit the Sonoran desert (including my garage and sometimes even on the beige carpeting in my master bathroom). The color makes them hard to see without the uV LED flashlight. Plus, “the smaller the scorpion, the worse its attitude and aggressiveness”. The slightly larger black scorpions are more docile and less likely to attack and sting. Ditto for tarantulas. They’re scarier looking than the way they act. Much more docile than any scorpion.
All of this is small comfort if one has ever been stung, though. (Black Widow spiders I hate the most.)
Also, make sure you rid your home of crickets. Although they’re cute and chirp merrily, once the crickets are in, the scorpions follow. (It’s a food chain thing.)
I wish you good and safe hunting!!!
Joyce says
Summer storms always intrigue me. It is so interesting to see it raining on one side of the street and not the other!
Cinda Moulds says
I’m curious how you dispose of the scorpions that you find.
Nelle Coursey says
When I got up yesterday morning Pat told me to go out and see if the possum was still there that Bella (chow) killed the night before. Well I went out and looked and I found no possum! So that possum was playing possum and when it would not squeal or play with Bella, she got bored and left it in the yard! LOL I know they are good for the environment, so I don’t like for her to get them. But squirrels are a very different thing!
dezertsuz says
I don’t care what color they are, I stomp scorpions! A couple of sting experiences with them is all I ever want!