Is there a difference in a UFO (unfinished object) and a WIP (work in progress)? I guess if there is a difference to me, it would be that a UFO is something stuck in an obscure location and hasn’t been touched in quite a while, where as a WIP might be one of the projects sitting by my chair that I work on a from time to time. Really, to me they mean about the same thing – a project is either finished or not finished, call it whatever you wish.
This morning, I decided to tackle a corner in an extra bedroom where things seem to get suck and never see the light of day. I did rip back four projects. That’s four sets of needles and four project bags available for other projects! I rewound the yarns and added them all back to the yarn tubs.
I came across these projects that I am going to finish . . soon.

The picture is rather washed out but I love this one – it will be so much prettier once it’s soaked and blocked.

It’s funny that I “borrowed” the needle tips. Luckily, I made a note of the size needles I was using.

This is one I was just about to pull off the needles and unravel but I decided I like it enough to finish it.

This is a shawl. It actually looks grayscale but these are the exact colors – no editing. There’s a third color that will be used at some point. I think I had planned to use bright pink but I may change my mind. I think it would look great with red, orange, lime green . . who knows what I’ll decide to use when I get to that point.
So, I’m hoping you see three finished objects soon!
Katie says
For me, all WIPs are UFOs but not all UPS are WIPs. Similar to how you clarify above but I only call active projects WIPs. Right now I have two knitting and three cross stitch projects I’m working on. I have many more started.
Teri says
What are the patterns for the 2 you are keeping the green I think scarf is really pretty….and the other looks like a cowl…is so cool.
JEAN says
I really like all 3 WIP/UFO’s! 🙂
Nelle Coursey says
I really like these!!
dezertsuz says
How fun to find them! Is that first one a purse? To me UFO means it’s been sitting a while (6 months or 6 years!) without being touched. It would have to be a SWIP – slow work in progress – if I work on it every 3-6 months. It can shift categories, like my recent Cherry Limeade. It was started in 2012, worked on in 2013 and 2015, and 2018 and now I have all the blocks, but it’s back in the UFO pile for the next time I’m in the mood to work on it. =)
Donna in KS says
Can you tell me what the first project pictured is? It looks similar to something I made several years ago, I think. As you can tell, I’m several days behind again! Most of my UFOs are in very nice boxes, pretty well organized, of projects begun in workshops with speakers the Guild brought in. I have way too many!!
Dot says
Can’t quite remember what it was – a shawl? Did you ravel that one with the many, many stitches and the provisional cast on, where you used COWYAK with waste yarn to cast on? It was a beautiful, daunting pattern, and I wouldn’t blame you for raveling it.